Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Everybody Want's To Be A Winner


The first week of February 2011 was brutal here in Colorado - only 6 of the first 60 hours were over zero degrees.

Ugly cold, that's what that is. Just ugly.

And now it's 62 degrees. Sun blazing. One week later. Amazing.

I was told at the end of January that I was getting a raise, retroactive to last July 10th, but I have yet to see it. It's a pretty decent raise too, one that will help me pay down a few more bills, if not pay off a few completely.

Getting 100% debt free is still my top priority. There is just nothing more important than that. Not a new car, not new clothes, not a vacation, not a relationship - nothing. I want to be 100% debt free as quickly as possible.

Which, realistically, will probably be about 3 years or so. Could be a little quicker, but I owe a lot on the house, and even with double payments that's a huge mountain to climb.

Can you imagine owning your house? I mean having the deed in hand, or at least in a safe deposit box.

I'm drooling at the very thought.

Better clean that up, expecting company.