It was now just another decrepit old building
At the end of the street
Dark and foreboding,
Crumbling and moldy
There was a time though, very long ago
When the building was filled with people
From the first light of morning
Until the day faded into the night
Businesses thrived from one end of the street to the other
Newsstands & Pharmacies, Shoe and Stationary stores
Restaurants that served breakfast, lunch and dinner
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Supper clubs that featured music from live bands
Where people danced into the wee hours
Hoping to end the night at the afterhours club
Around back and down the stairs
And now the building is only home
To mice and rats and the occassional ghosts
Of the five or six men shot and killed while playing cards
Or playing with another man's woman
And the three or four women found slain and abandoned
Their killers still unknown to this day
The art, adventures, wit (or lack thereof), verse, ramblings, lyrics, stories, rants & raves of Christopher R. Bakunas
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Saturday, October 28, 2017
From The Perspective Of A Man With Tunnel Vision
Other than all those times where he had to admit it was him making a ton of extremely bad decisions, Harold felt as if life had done a bang up job of screwing him over.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Monday, October 23, 2017
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
The Lakewood Museum Of Discarded Art Autumn 2017 Exhibition
For your viewing pleasure, the Fall 2017 exhibition of the latest additions to the Lakewood Museum of Discarded Art.
This is where artwork by a variety of anonymous artists that I have stumbled upon in thrift stores, junk shoppes, or garage sales is displayed and preserved for posterity because, well, why not?
A few of these are really nice and beg the question, "Why would anyone not want this?'
Sunday, October 15, 2017
The Gypsy Who Read My Palm
A very long time ago a rather peculiar woman I had encountered on the midway of the Walnut Festival (held annually in Walnut Creek, Ca) read my palm.
She claimed to be a gypsy, born with mystical powers and possessor of incredible insights.
This woman told me that, due to the firmness of my palms she knew that I was a straightforward person, and because my hands were large, especially at such a young age, I would probably become a very detail oriented adult, the type that over-analyzes situations.
She also said that, due to the large number of lines that criss-crossed my palms, I was probably the sensitive type, and would always be so.
She told me something about every major line that crossed my palm - the heart line, the life line, the fate line, etc., but I cannot remember what she specifically said each one meant
What I do remember is that she said that my thumbs, being thick and long, indicated I was a person with a strong sense of purpose.
At the time I was in my mid-teens and had yet to develop the healthy, skeptical attitude I possess now, so I somewhat thought it was cool that she could tell so much about me by just looking at my palm.
I'm still looking for that sense of purpose.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Everybody Wants
Everybody wants to end conflict
As long as it's ended
On their terms
Everybody wants everyone
To be educated
As long as everybody learns
What they want them to learn
Everybody wants everybody
To get enough to eat
As long as they're eating
What they want them to eat
Everybody wants everyone
To be treated with respect
As long as they
Are respectful enough to understand
Their place
Everybody wants everybody
To be able to earn a decent living
As long as it doesn't disrupt the Hierarchy of the workplace
Everybody wants everyone
To be regarded as equal
As long as they know that means
You have work your way up to being Equal
Everybody wants everybody
To figure it out
As long as the way they figure it
Is in line with their thinking
Everybody wants everyone
To be free to speak their mind
As long as they watch
What they say when they are Freely speaking
Everybody wants everybody
To find a god they can believe in
As long as that god is the same
As the one they believe in
Everybody wants world peace
As long as it's peace the way
They want it
As long as it's ended
On their terms
Everybody wants everyone
To be educated
As long as everybody learns
What they want them to learn
Everybody wants everybody
To get enough to eat
As long as they're eating
What they want them to eat
Everybody wants everyone
To be treated with respect
As long as they
Are respectful enough to understand
Their place
Everybody wants everybody
To be able to earn a decent living
As long as it doesn't disrupt the Hierarchy of the workplace
Everybody wants everyone
To be regarded as equal
As long as they know that means
You have work your way up to being Equal
Everybody wants everybody
To figure it out
As long as the way they figure it
Is in line with their thinking
Everybody wants everyone
To be free to speak their mind
As long as they watch
What they say when they are Freely speaking
Everybody wants everybody
To find a god they can believe in
As long as that god is the same
As the one they believe in
Everybody wants world peace
As long as it's peace the way
They want it
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Monday, October 9, 2017
There's A First Snow For Everyone
My friend Mike has spent the past 50 Winters of his life in San Diego, California. Which means he really hasn't ever experienced Winter.
Until today. Snow had been forecast since last Friday, and snow we got. Heavy, wet snow, the type of snow that weighs down tree branches, snapping the less stout.
Mike loved it. Except the part where the temps were in the low 30's.
But then again, no one likes that part.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Saturday, October 7, 2017
The Meeting Of Someone Considerable
I think I've met someone who brings out the best in me
Once or twice over the past few decades
Someone who sparks the desire in me
To be the single best
Version of me that I can possibly be
The kind of person
I always envision being
Whenever I slow down enough
To be able to do some envisioning
Of me being the best me possible
Friday, October 6, 2017
A Day In The Strife
He awoke as he usually did
Well before the alarm
Made his way to the kitchen
Where he poured himself
His usual breakfast of a heaping bowl of
Sugar-coated self-loathing
Made sure his hair was perfect
His tie was straight
Before he walked out the door
And climbed into his Cadillac
Man, he really liked the feel of
Being behind the wheel of
Such a powerful machine
He spent the whole weekend looking
Forward to Monday morning
When once again he could be king
Of all those ungrateful underlings
He sat at his desk with his eyes on the clock
As the bleary-eyed tribe walked in
At 8:00 sharp he got up from the small desk
Made his way to the coffee pot
Where he would greet the last ones in
With a smile of reassurance
Commenting to himself as the stragglers filed in
How glad he was not to be them
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Getting Away With An Extraordinary Level Of Insensitive Racist Invective
So, once again I find myself confused by established and social media reaction to blatant racism.
Recently, an incredibly hate-filled, disgustingly offensive comment was posted on Facebook that was so blatantly based on an ignorant racist stereotype that it resulted in the person who posted the comment losing their job.
The person who posted the comment removed it, but only after a number of people who were offended by the comment expressed outrage, and that was what caught the attention of the person's employer and led to that person's dismissal.
This person's employer was one of the largest media corporations in the world, and this person's position was fairly influential, being a vice-president who represented the company in legal matters.
This is what that person posted on their Facebook account. It is their personal reaction to the Las Vegas Route 91 music festival shooting of Oct 1st:
Screen capture of comment made by Hayley Geftman-Gold that I lifted from Brandon Morse's Facebook page (made necessary because I do not have a Facebook page)
So, Hayley Geftman-Gold publicly exposes herself as an insensitive racist who believes:
1) It is okay for an employee of a major media corp. to use an
offensive slur ("Repugs") when referring to members of the
Republican party.
2) Country Music fans are most often Republicans
3) Republicans are gun toters
4) Gun Toten' Republican Country Music fans deserve to die
After reading her comments (and the comments from others who I will have to assume share her views), I searched the internet for reactions from the media pundits who usually post reactions to ignorant racist comments made by public personas.
With the exception of a Washington Post article written by Mary Hui (that features Hayley Geftman-Gold's mea culpa, as well as five or so paragraphs that use the tragedy to address the political battles regarding gun control), I couldn't find much.
Chirp freakin' chirp. One million five hundred and thirty thousand results on good ol' Google for "reaction to Hayley Geftman-Gold Facebook post" and barely a single word condemning her behavior from any of the major media outlets, and not much from the usually easily outraged social media users, either.
To be accurate, there are a large number of reactions from irritated or outraged conservative commentators on message boards and individual blogspots, but those are to be expected.
What I was looking for was the same level of condemnation (and frequently, vituperation) CNN, the Huffington Post, the Daily Beast, or any of the other large media outlets usually post when an undeniably racist comment is posted by a public figure.
But I could not find nary a one.
Which I find odd, because if you put "reaction to Terry Frei Facebook post", in the good ol' Google, you get one million, five hundred and sixty thousand results, the first three being from the Voice Media Group owned alternative weekly newspaper Westword, the Washington Post, and USA Today, followed by links to other major media outlets such as NBC news, the NY Post, the NY Daily News, the Sporting News, the Huffington Post, Breitbart, the UK's Daily Mail - hell, even Fox News.
All of them soundly condemning Mr Frei, some to the point of evisceration.
What was so hate-filled and disgustingly offensive that former four-time Colorado Sports Writer of the Year Terry Frei wrote (on Twitter, not Facebook) that not only cost him his job and his reputation, but resulted in a smearing of his character on various social media sites that was ugly beyond description?
On Sunday, May 28th 2017, Terry Frei posted the following on Twitter after Takuma Sato won the Indianapolis 500:
Terry Frei's tweet from May 28th, 2017, which I lifted from some anonymous person's screen capture from Twitter, as I do not have a Twitter account of my own.
Is that tweet racist, or is it the honest reaction of a man who wrote a book entitled "Third Down And A War To Go", about his father's four years of military service in WWII, flying 67 unarmed missions in the Pacific Theater as a member of the 26th Photo Squadron?
For those that are not up on their history, 76 years ago the country of Japan declared war on the United States, and the Pacific Theater was the primary location of most major battles between the U.S. and Japan. Those battles took the lives of over 200,000 U.S. military personnel.
The uncomfortable feeling Mr Frei tweeted about should no doubt have been kept to himself, but it did not in anyway express a disregard for the person who had won the race or a disregard for that person's race, creed, color, etc., and it certainly did not advocate any form of ill-treatment of that person, and it certainly did not disregard the value of diversity in sports or society as a whole.
However, it was written by a white male, the importance of which the social media shite storm that followed made very clear.
For Mr. Frei was immediately labeled a racist white male conservative Republican on several left-leaning websites, which he is most definitely not (and which is as racist a stereotype as any stereotype can be, but there doesn't seem to be a big rush to point that out by anyone)
Mr Frei is as far from being a racist as any human could be, and is a lifelong liberal Democrat.
However, that apparently was of little interest to the haters.
Terry Frei was fired from his job a day after he posted that comment.
As Hayley Geftman-Gold was the day after she posted hers.
However, that's where the similarity of the reaction to their statements ends.
For Mr. Frei was also soundly condemned in the national and international press, and was roasted on social media for being uncomfortable that a citizen of a country that declared war on the U.S. 76 years ago, (which resulted in his father having to face death nearly everyday for four years and which I point out again, resulted in the deaths of over 200,000 American military personnel), wins an iconic American sporting event which takes place on Memorial Day weekend, the specific holiday on which America remembers and honors those who have fallen in defense of the country,
Sure, Hayley Geftman-Gold lost her job, but somehow she escaped criticism or condemnation from nearly all quarters.
What conclusions can be drawn here? Is it the blatantly obvious one, or is there something more subtle?
What could I possibly be missing...where is the usual hue and cry from the major media about this women's comment?
Is it because she is a lawyer and has threatened to sue for defamation? Is it because she was a fairly high-ranking member of the media and has the silent support of other fairly high-ranking members of the media?
Someone please explain to me why Mr. Frei was pilloried and Mrs Geftman-Gold has not been.
Recently, an incredibly hate-filled, disgustingly offensive comment was posted on Facebook that was so blatantly based on an ignorant racist stereotype that it resulted in the person who posted the comment losing their job.
The person who posted the comment removed it, but only after a number of people who were offended by the comment expressed outrage, and that was what caught the attention of the person's employer and led to that person's dismissal.
This person's employer was one of the largest media corporations in the world, and this person's position was fairly influential, being a vice-president who represented the company in legal matters.
This is what that person posted on their Facebook account. It is their personal reaction to the Las Vegas Route 91 music festival shooting of Oct 1st:
Screen capture of comment made by Hayley Geftman-Gold that I lifted from Brandon Morse's Facebook page (made necessary because I do not have a Facebook page)
So, Hayley Geftman-Gold publicly exposes herself as an insensitive racist who believes:
1) It is okay for an employee of a major media corp. to use an
offensive slur ("Repugs") when referring to members of the
Republican party.
2) Country Music fans are most often Republicans
3) Republicans are gun toters
4) Gun Toten' Republican Country Music fans deserve to die
After reading her comments (and the comments from others who I will have to assume share her views), I searched the internet for reactions from the media pundits who usually post reactions to ignorant racist comments made by public personas.
With the exception of a Washington Post article written by Mary Hui (that features Hayley Geftman-Gold's mea culpa, as well as five or so paragraphs that use the tragedy to address the political battles regarding gun control), I couldn't find much.
Chirp freakin' chirp. One million five hundred and thirty thousand results on good ol' Google for "reaction to Hayley Geftman-Gold Facebook post" and barely a single word condemning her behavior from any of the major media outlets, and not much from the usually easily outraged social media users, either.
To be accurate, there are a large number of reactions from irritated or outraged conservative commentators on message boards and individual blogspots, but those are to be expected.
What I was looking for was the same level of condemnation (and frequently, vituperation) CNN, the Huffington Post, the Daily Beast, or any of the other large media outlets usually post when an undeniably racist comment is posted by a public figure.
But I could not find nary a one.
Which I find odd, because if you put "reaction to Terry Frei Facebook post", in the good ol' Google, you get one million, five hundred and sixty thousand results, the first three being from the Voice Media Group owned alternative weekly newspaper Westword, the Washington Post, and USA Today, followed by links to other major media outlets such as NBC news, the NY Post, the NY Daily News, the Sporting News, the Huffington Post, Breitbart, the UK's Daily Mail - hell, even Fox News.
All of them soundly condemning Mr Frei, some to the point of evisceration.
What was so hate-filled and disgustingly offensive that former four-time Colorado Sports Writer of the Year Terry Frei wrote (on Twitter, not Facebook) that not only cost him his job and his reputation, but resulted in a smearing of his character on various social media sites that was ugly beyond description?
On Sunday, May 28th 2017, Terry Frei posted the following on Twitter after Takuma Sato won the Indianapolis 500:
Terry Frei's tweet from May 28th, 2017, which I lifted from some anonymous person's screen capture from Twitter, as I do not have a Twitter account of my own.
Is that tweet racist, or is it the honest reaction of a man who wrote a book entitled "Third Down And A War To Go", about his father's four years of military service in WWII, flying 67 unarmed missions in the Pacific Theater as a member of the 26th Photo Squadron?
For those that are not up on their history, 76 years ago the country of Japan declared war on the United States, and the Pacific Theater was the primary location of most major battles between the U.S. and Japan. Those battles took the lives of over 200,000 U.S. military personnel.
The uncomfortable feeling Mr Frei tweeted about should no doubt have been kept to himself, but it did not in anyway express a disregard for the person who had won the race or a disregard for that person's race, creed, color, etc., and it certainly did not advocate any form of ill-treatment of that person, and it certainly did not disregard the value of diversity in sports or society as a whole.
However, it was written by a white male, the importance of which the social media shite storm that followed made very clear.
For Mr. Frei was immediately labeled a racist white male conservative Republican on several left-leaning websites, which he is most definitely not (and which is as racist a stereotype as any stereotype can be, but there doesn't seem to be a big rush to point that out by anyone)
Mr Frei is as far from being a racist as any human could be, and is a lifelong liberal Democrat.
However, that apparently was of little interest to the haters.
Terry Frei was fired from his job a day after he posted that comment.
As Hayley Geftman-Gold was the day after she posted hers.
However, that's where the similarity of the reaction to their statements ends.
For Mr. Frei was also soundly condemned in the national and international press, and was roasted on social media for being uncomfortable that a citizen of a country that declared war on the U.S. 76 years ago, (which resulted in his father having to face death nearly everyday for four years and which I point out again, resulted in the deaths of over 200,000 American military personnel), wins an iconic American sporting event which takes place on Memorial Day weekend, the specific holiday on which America remembers and honors those who have fallen in defense of the country,
Sure, Hayley Geftman-Gold lost her job, but somehow she escaped criticism or condemnation from nearly all quarters.
What conclusions can be drawn here? Is it the blatantly obvious one, or is there something more subtle?
What could I possibly be missing...where is the usual hue and cry from the major media about this women's comment?
Is it because she is a lawyer and has threatened to sue for defamation? Is it because she was a fairly high-ranking member of the media and has the silent support of other fairly high-ranking members of the media?
Someone please explain to me why Mr. Frei was pilloried and Mrs Geftman-Gold has not been.
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
The FooI In Me That Wants To Believe
There's this fool in me
Fighting to believe
In life and love and manna from above
There's this fool in me
Who just can't see
What everybody else apparently does with ease
That fool, with his cuss'd insistence on proof
That fool, with his cuss'd persistence for the truth
He's going to get me in trouble someday
He's going to get me hurt
Probably won't stick around for the fight
Not a chance in hell
He'll make it sober through the night
There's this fool in me
Fighting to believe
That all the effort, all the work
Will be worth it
Monday, October 2, 2017
A World Of Angry Misanthropes
Days like today it's hard to believe the world is not being overrun by angry misanthropes.
Days like today it's hard to believe in humanity.
Days like today it's hard to believe in humanity.
Sunday, October 1, 2017
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