The art, adventures, wit (or lack thereof), verse, ramblings, lyrics, stories, rants & raves of Christopher R. Bakunas
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Katabatic Currents
Saturday, December 28, 2024
The New Year Poem
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
The Problem With Christmas
The problem I've always had with Christmas (by "always" I mean since I became a thinking, rational adult, so about 4 or 5 weeks now) is that it forces you to confront two very different questions
The first is; How much is this person (gift recipient) worth to me?
The second is; How much am I (as a gift recipient) worth to that individual?
It's quite the conundrum, eh?
Should probably just stick to cards. Cards are the great Christmas equalizer.
Monday, December 23, 2024
Three Playfully Lewd Limericks
Sunday, December 22, 2024
The Memory That Would Not Fade
Friday, December 20, 2024
More Pics From A Soldiers Pictorial Record Of His Stay In Korea, 1954
Thursday, December 19, 2024
The Type Of Patients Doctors Really Enjoy Working On
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Monday, December 16, 2024
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Handy Tip Concerning The Lifting, Carrying, & Setting Down Of Heavy Items
Here's a bit of advice regarding the lifting, carrying, and setting down of heavy items, such as, say, a 350 pound cast iron patio umbrella base.
Let the dang thing drop if it's going to drop, your fingers are no match for gravity and a 350 lb object.
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Simple Problem, Simple Solution
Boss: "We need a rack to put all these clothes hangers on in order to sell them. A big rack that can handle everyone of 'em. I want all of these hangers sold by Monday."
Employee #1: "But boss, we don't have any clothes hanger racks to hang all of those hangers on. I mean, that's a lot of hangers to be hanging - we don't have anything close to being large enough to handle them all."
Employee #2: "Waitaminute. Didn't we just receive a shipment of tall extension ladders? And don't we have a boatload of white shower rods that haven't been selling?"
Employee #1: "Yes, yes we do - what do you have in mind?"
Boss: "Yeah, how are you going to sell clothes hangers with extension ladders and shower rods?"
Employee #2: Leave this to me Boss, I'll get it done - going to need a lot of zip ties though."
Boss: If that's all you need to get those hangers sold, get on it. Be sure to have Harold in inventory note whatever you use."
Employee #2: "Will do Boss - check back here in about two hours, I think you're going to like what you see."
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Today's Vague, Indeterminate Advice
Everybody gets a little hot under the collar every once in awhile. Or maybe just disputatious if you prefer.
Quite possibly argumentative would be a better descriptive, or if less offputting, simply disagreeable.
Whatever the case may be, getting up in arms, ticked off, boiling over, incensed, fit to be tied, miffed, mad as a hornet, p.o.'d, in a tizzy, or just plain old tempestuous...there really is only one thing to do.
The cure for being bent out of shape is learning to be flexible.
Now, I'm well aware that being flexible is freakin' difficult, but it is something one can learn, and once one learns to be flexible, then getting bent out of shape is much, much easier to handle.
Literally and figuratively.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Monday, December 2, 2024
Don't Shoot The Xylophone Player
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Friday, November 29, 2024
Jokes Heard Around The Thanksgiving Day table
Somehow a joke telling session sprung to life at Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. These are the ones I can remember:
A man walks into a liquor store and ask the clerk for a case of less. The clerk responds with a quizzical look and asks, "What the heck is less?"
The man replies, "I don't know but my Doctor told me I needed to start drinking it."
One evening as the communal dinner was getting underway at the convent the Mother Superior stood up and asked for the nuns undivided attention. "Sisters," she said rather gravely, "I'm afraid there have been several cases of gonorrhea in the abbey."
"Thanks be to God," an elderly nun said. "I've been getting tired of Merlot every night."
Jerry went over to his friend Dan's house and asked him for help picking out a birthday gift for his wife, as he had been racking his brain for weeks to no avail. Dan told him that the best thing he ever gave his own wife for her birthday was a hand-made certificate that stated she was entitled to two hours of great sex anyway she wants it. Jerry thought that was a great idea and promptly went home, made up a certificate just like the one Dan had, and gave it to his wife.
A day later Jerry ran into Dan at the gym. Dan asked him how it went with the certificate and Jerry exclaimed, "She absolutely loved it! She jumped into my arms and smothered me with passionate kisses, then ran out the door while yelling that she would be back in a couple of hours."
Three older men who had known each other since grade school all got married within a few weeks of one another. One Friday evening about three months after the last wedding they met up at a local bar for drinks. Mark, the first one who had gotten married, said his bride, who he had met in Romania, had turned out to be even better than he had hoped and that within three days of him establishing the way things were going to be she was fixing him three hot meals a day and keeping the place spotless. Jimmy, the second one to marry, nods his head in agreement and tells the other two that his wife who he had met in Istanbul also surprised him by agreeing within the first week to his demands that she fix all the meals, wash the clothes, and clean the house. Robert, the last of the three to marry, sits quietly.
"Well," Mark finally says, "What about your bride Robby?"
Robert stares at his friends for a few more seconds and then says, "As you know I married a woman I met in New Jersey. Just as you two did I laid down the law right after the Honeymoon. I told her she was expected to clean the house thoroughly, make sure my clothes were washed, pressed, folded and put away every week, and have breakfast, lunch and dinner prepared daily."
"The first day I didn't see anything at all, the second day I didn't see anything either, but by the third day the swelling had subsided a bit and I could see a little out of the right eye and I could grip with my right hand well enough to fix myself a sandwich and even operate the vacuum cleaner. However, I'm still feeling a little pain when I have to pee."
A man is sitting on a barstool with a huge ear-to-ear smile on his face. A woman comes in and sits down on the barstool right next to him. After placing an order for a glass of mineral water with a slice of lemon, she looks over at the smiling man and says, "Wow, you sure look happy - did you win the lottery or something?"
The man looks over at her and replies, "Well, sorta. I raise chickens and for years my hens were infertile, but not now. Today I discovered almost all of them are pregnant!"
"That's great," says the woman, "and quite the coincidence. For years I couldn't get pregnant and I am now. How did you manage to get the hens pregnant?"
The farmer looks at the woman and states bluntly, "Switched cocks."
The woman looks back at the farmer and says, "Wow, another coincidence!"
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving, 2024
Giving thanks, offering up some serious gratitude, for all the wonderful people (family and friends) I am extremely lucky to have in my life.
Oh yeah, a pretty cool fat cat, too.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Dialogue For An Action Adventure Movie
"Because they have guns and guns shoot bullets and bullets put holes in your dumb ass and from those holes your blood will empty out of your body, which will end your life. Think of another plan."
Answer to the question, "Why can't we just rush them and make our getaway?"