Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012

Friday, September 28, 2018

The Morning Tail-Waggin' Concerto Featuring Mrs D's Small But Loud Terrier

When you live in a neighborhood such as this you grow accustomed to the barking of dogs. Loud, incessant barking, every single morning, except when a thunderstorm rolls in, or when it is snowing.

This neighborhood is home to at least one dog per household from the first houses on all four corners of the intersection with the main thoroughfare, all the way down every street leading south and east to the second and third major thoroughfares that form the square mile parameter of the neighborhood (along with the reservoir to the west, which is the fourth side). 

Every morning beginning just before 6:00am, when the elderly couple four houses to the west and around the corner from me go for their morning constitutional with their two Pekingese, the cacophony begins.

As they stroll through the neighborhood the two small long-haired dogs sniff and poke their noses at the fences encircling the yards along their route, which of course results in the various dogs that live behind those fences barking out greetings (or warnings - I don't understand dog, so I have no idea which it is).

There is an unwritten and unspoken agreement in place between every single resident of the neighborhood that the barking of dogs in the morning is acceptable, even when the barking of dogs becomes a cacophonous soundscape.

That is due to the fact that everyone has, as previously mentioned, at least one dog, and everyone walks their dogs, which means everyone contributes.

The elderly couple with the two Pekingese are just the opening act.

No pots calling the kettles black in this neighborhood, not once. We all just quietly accept the barking of dogs as part of the price of living in such a great neighborhood.

Beats the hell out of jackhammers blasting away in the morning, or sirens wailing throughout the night. 

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