The art, adventures, wit (or lack thereof), verse, ramblings, lyrics, stories, rants & raves of Christopher R. Bakunas
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
The Truth Is Standing Naked Right In Front Of Us
Saturday, May 28, 2022
She Enjoys Doing Crossword Puzzles
Friday, May 27, 2022
Capturing A Moment
Thursday, May 26, 2022
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
The Unexplainable, The Inexplicable, The Excruciating
It's all a bit too much, eh? Politicians fighting over who is responsible for the murder of children by children, jockeying for the best position, hoping to score points with the electorate.
Art-As-Therapy Vs. Art-In-Therapy
The other day I became embroiled in a discussion with a friend regarding Art used for therapy, with the two us firmly seated on opposite sides of the debate regarding Art and its role in Psychoanalysis.
See, he was of the cockamamie opinion that it is the proper analysis of the art created by the person, as well as the person's choice of medium used for the creation, and the subject matter of the created artwork, that matters most.
I on the other hand held (and still hold) the well-researched and reasoned opinion that it is the actual creative process that is employed as well as the commitment of the person utilizing their mind, imagination and what have you to express themselves in an artistic manner that is what matters most.
To illustrate my point, I created a cartoon featuring him and his fatuous opinion being devoured by a large monster...which he promptly wadded up and threw in the trash.
My friend definitely needs to learn a more creative way to deal with his anger.
Saturday, May 21, 2022
Friday, May 20, 2022
Late May, 2022.
It was 87 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday afternoon, it is currently 39 degrees Fahrenheit. Those with the meteorology degrees are saying it will drop below freezing tonight (32f) and snow will fall.
Fortunately, I have yet to put away the snow shovels.
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
There Was A Crooked Plan...
The left leaning journalist subtly affixes blame for whatever it is that's ailing the world on the right.
The right leaning journalist subtly affixes blame for whatever it is that's ailing the world on the left.
Sometimes, neither side bothers with being subtle.
And so it goes. Left blames right, right blames left.
And there I am, in the middle, learning to despise both sides of the story.
Monday, May 16, 2022
Number 834 Of The Best Statements I've Ever Heard
You can be very smart and still do very stupid things. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Dimly Remembered Distraction
- Must have been something in the water making them tap their feet
- Waited on the encore or at least for the performers to take a bow
- In sweat-stained shirts, vapor wicking off heads from the heat
- Sounded almost as good as the Belly Up show
- That was a good time for almost one and all
- Muffled Pete lost his girl and got arrested though
- The price paid for starting a pointless brawl
- Motivated by boredom, dying to be interesting
- In someone's eyes, from someone's point of view
- Waded through the crowd, mingling
- The odds were against, the chances few
- Hopes of meeting the one dwindling
- As the band started into a slow number everyone knew
- To the point that no one was really listening
- And he asked himself for the seventeenth time
- Why do I ever come to these shows?
- What a waste, driving all the way up to Anaheim
- Why do I ever come to these shows?
- The wrong question asked at the wrong moment
- Should have been savoring the experience
- Notorious, vainglorious, spurious
- Attempted to place himself above the current
- Rode high and dry and serious
- Delirious, precarious, imperious
- Motion, slow and consistent
- The crowd moving without intent or destination
- just inclination
- Still, wondering how the colors got so bright
- Realized no one was drinking water
- And no one was tapping their feet
- And the band had already bid the crowd goodnight
- The lights were up and the curtain down
- And the crew was sweeping up the debris
- People milling about discussing after show plans
- Late night food across the street
- Or beat the traffic home and hit the hay
- Alarm comes early for those that have to work
- Motivated by boredom, dying to be interesting
- In someone's eyes, from someone's point of view
- Food was decided, CoCo's or Norm's
- Really didn't matter did it
- Except Norm's would have girls from the dorms
- Those attending UCLA, majoring in English Lit
- Or USC to study the sex lives of earthworms
- And he asked himself for the eighteenth time
- Why do I ever come to these shows?
- And he asked himself for the eighteenth time
- Why do I ever come to these shows?
- Didn't have to dig too deep to know why
- If he could be bothered or prodded to be honest
- It was the chance of crossing paths or catching the eye
- Of a young (or old) lonely deuterogamist
- Sliding into the booth with a smile and a sigh
- Sitting like a disgraced, fallen Mahayanist
- Motion, slow and insistent
- Just the two of them moving without intent or destination
- Temptation
Saturday, May 14, 2022
Thursday, May 12, 2022
The Worst Accident In The Best Circumstances*
The motorcycle lay on the sidewalk, the side in contact with the ground busted up, the front tire bent as if a giant had pinched it between his thumb and forefinger.
The short faring had broken off when the rider had passed through it after being launched off the bike when it came into contact with the rear of the car that had shot out in front of the motorcycle.
Roughly twenty feet from the mangled bike the rider lay on his back, his left arm and shoulder throbbing from the impact with the ground. Voices, some reassuring, some just making comments or observations, could be heard from the crowd that had gathered around him.
"Try not to move an ambulance is on the way. " "I saw the car that went through the light and I think I got most of the license plate number." "Thank god you were wearing your helmet." "The police are on their way, they should be here pretty soon." "Can you move your legs? Do you feel anything broken?"
He couldn't really hear what anyone was saying. He wanted to sit up but there were a couple of people holding him down. Someone had removed his helmet but he couldn't seem to focus on any one person. He thought to himself that he really got his bell rung and he wished his head would stop ringing.
It seemed like an hour passed before the ambulance showed up, but he was told it took less than ten minutes for the paramedics to get to him, being as the accident occurred less than 4 miles from the hospital.
That, the Doctor told him, was what probably saved his arm, if not his life.
*Based on an accident I once witnessed.