The art, adventures, wit (or lack thereof), verse, ramblings, lyrics, stories, rants & raves of Christopher R. Bakunas
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Safety First
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
The Old & Dusty Cobwebs In My Mind
Hoping beyond hope that my mind is not closing up to any new ideas, perspectives, opinions, or points of view.
It may seem preposterous but it's a serious concern of mine.
I am well aware that the world is full of people who have cockamamie ideas, perspectives, opinions, and points of view, but I really hope I never shut down to listening or reading what they have to say or want to express.
Heck, you never know, just might learn something, and if nothing else, it might at least be amusing if not outright entertaining.
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
All Up In Cripple Creek
Cripple Creek, Colorado is about a 40 Minute drive west of Colorado Springs, which makes it a little over two hours from my house (depending entirely on who is doing the driving of course).
PC picked me up at my house early in the morning as we had to also stop and pick up the cabinets & counters he bought from a kitchen & bath place that was clearing out a kitchen floor display that nearly spot-on matched the dimensions of the kitchen that PC needed cabinets & counters for.
The kitchen in question was in a home he was working on that was located near Cripple Creek.
Saturday, June 25, 2022
There Was A Broken Man
Friday, June 24, 2022
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Someone For Everyone, Chapter 3,789,666.012
He was a portent of doom.
Monday, June 20, 2022
Sunday, June 19, 2022
The Past, Erased
Friday, June 17, 2022
Thursday, June 16, 2022
Advice From Carol...Or For Carol
Artist Unknown, Oil on Canvas, 24 X 30
Stumbled across this gem the other day, and it begs the question; Is it a statement by an artist named Carol, or is it a request by an artist to someone named Carol?
Theory 1: Carol painted three bright and colorful flowers that seem to be wilting a bit in the sun (the choice of colors used is excellent, btw). Then a splatter of deep red was added, which was followed by a carefully written request to "Just look at the flowers" by the artist, Carol, as maybe Carol had determined that the splatter of red was inconsequential or a mistake.
Theory 2: An unknown artist painted these three bright and colorful flowers specifically for a person named Carol and added the instruction for this particular Carol to "Just look at the flowers", then, for whatever reason, the deep red splatter was added (upon close inspection it is evident the deep red splatter was indeed added after the "Just look at the flowers Carol", which gives theory 2 some credence).
Ah, the mysteries of art.
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
At The Entrance Of The Facade
Monday, June 13, 2022
Four Thousand Miles Between Engagements
Four thousand miles between the east coast of the U.S.
And the west coast of Spain
Four thousand miles between her lips and his
In his memories they danced whenever they could
In her memories he was so much taller
You May Already Be A Millionaire!
I have a few friends in my same age group who are certifiably worth over a million dollars.
Some are millionaires on paper only (you know, real estate equity, business valuations, etc.), and some actually have deposits in various financial institutions that total a million dollars or more.
With but one exception, none of the millionaires I know actually set out with the goal of becoming a millionaire.
The majority of them just did things early in life that led them to millionairedom - all of them bought their first homes in their twenties (and most of them actually still live in those first homes), all of them have avoided job-hopping, all of them have had steady personal relationships with minimal disruption, and very importantly, all of them have been lucky enough to not have fallen victim to debilitating addictions or illnesses - and all of them have grown old gracefully.
None of the people I know in my age group who are not millionaires did any of those things or were that lucky (including me). Causation? I don't know, but certainly those factors can't be overlooked.
I always had the idea that being a millionaire was something special, but to a person, each and every one of the millionaires I know has told me being a millionaire doesn't feel special at all.
Maybe that's due to inflation, or maybe that's due to the slow, gradual nature of the accumulation (no one I know has won the lottery or suddenly became a millionaire in some other fashion).
All I am sure of is that if you told me twenty years ago that the majority of my friends (or any of my family members) would one day be millionaires, I would have laughed in your face.
As it is, one morning last week I sat down to breakfast at a small, average/semi-nice restaurant with five of my friends and I was the only one who could not claim millionaire status.
Kinda weirded me out.