Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012

Friday, June 10, 2022

The Joy Of Sporting A Silky Smooth Skull

 I am bald

I'm not completely bald though - I have one of those half-dollar sized areas on the back of my melon that is pretty much completely bald, and the hair that grows around it is basically golden whisps of corn silk, but there is quite a bit of hair that grows thick on the back and sides.

However, seeing as how I do not want to walk around looking like a monk who has elected for tonsure, I decided to go full-on Hare Krishna and shave my entire head.

And I love it.

Fortunately, I have one of those domes that looks great clean shaven. Which is a good thing because I do not believe I ever had a haircut I ever liked - not one. 

When I had hair, it was just a mat of straight blonde straw that I could do nothing with - not even a Jeri curl could help it.

I tried a lot of different products to give my hair body, shine, and bounce, but to no avail. 

That was bothersome, to say the least, especially in light of the fact that both of my brothers had (and still have) thick, manageable manes of sandy blonde hair. Hell, my younger brother has thick naturally curly sandy blonde hair (though it has gotten a little jew-froie as he's aged).

Shaving my head was no easy decision. For starters, I had to wait until the association of bald white men with racist morons (aka Nazi skinheads) had died down. Then I had to wait for a more positive role model for large bald white men to appear on the scene, and that man was Steve Austin (the wrestler).

Good 'ol Steve made it much more socially acceptable for large white men to sport a beautiful clean cranium - here's to you Steve, thanks and thanks again.

With a hair-free noggin I never have to worry that the next haircut is going to be even worse than the last one, and I never have to worry about what the wind or rain will do to my hair. 

Other than the possibility of sunburn (should I forget my hat), I really do not have to worry about my crown at all.

Plus, I'm saving a fortune on shampoo and conditioner.

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