Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012

Sunday, August 14, 2022

News For Those Who Confuse Entertainment For News

    The Internet has destroyed credible reporting. It's evident on every single website that purports to present news. The bias practically bleeds from the screen no matter which website one choses to access for news, and no matter how loudly said website proclaims themselves to be honest, fair, impartial, thorough, balanced, etc.

   It's all just crap...but that shouldn't be a news flash to anyone capable of critical thinking

   Hard to decide what's worse, the blatant editorial slant of what should be a simple who, what, when, where & how story, or what passes for newsworthy...or what is not considered newsworthy.

   There appears to be a format followed by nearly every single news website, no matter the obvious political, social, religious, gender, academic, nationalistic, racial or what-have-you leanings of the ownership, editorial staff and/or writers that create the content of the site.

   NBC, CBS, ABC, MSN, Fox, CNN, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, etc. all seem to follow the same format, which appears to be a mash up of actual news written by actual journalists mixed with political ideology, entertainment/celebrity-based crap, and a lot of click-bait nonsense.

Everything listed after "actual news" makes news websites deplorable, disgusting, depraved, unreadable, and any other word with a similar definition.

The format followed is pretty much this:

Somebody killed multiple people with a gun
Politician did something the website staff finds objectionable
Tragic accident killed someone, somewhere
Never buy this item at a big box store
Some virus has infected a lot of people, killing many
Fashion faux pax by a celebrity
Somebody killed someone, possibly with a gun
Politician did something the website staff finds agreeable
Drought incorrectly reported as water being wasted
Somebody killed a wife/husband/partner somewhere with something other than a gun
Celebrity cheated on partner
Followers of political party A are all extremists
Mexican drug war is bad
Followers of political party B are all well-educated, rational & civil 
Astronomers discover a planet bazillions of miles away
Rain/Snow/Heat/Earthquakes/Storms/Obesity caused by global warming/climate change
Somebody killed people with a bomb
Top Twenty drummers of all time 
Government cover-up exposed! (UFO's, disease cures, time travel, etc.)
Someone killed a sibling or parents
Biggest NBA draft busts of all time
Country you never heard of threatens neighboring country you've never heard of
Someone killed a person or people with a car
Massive search underway for missing woman
Reporter contracts odd ailment, report states odd ailment is on the rise
Someone killed someone that has a minor connection to a celebrity
Stocks tumble oh my
Celebrity ex writes revealing book about being the ex of a celebrity
Someone killed someone, might be racially motivated
You're cooking the food you really like completely wrong
This noted personality is really not so nice to the people around him
Someone killed someone a long, long time ago and has finally been caught/convicted
Female celebrity wore revealing gown to awards show
Debt is actually good for the economy
Someone killed multiple people with something other than a gun
Politician the owner/editor/reporter likes profiled favorably
Someone attempted to kill someone without motivation
The real reason an actor was fired from a movie 
Someone seriously injured someone
Debt is destroying the economy
Politician the owner/editor/reporter dislikes is profiled unfavorably
Someone in the public eye said something that has been deemed hurtful to somebody
Famous person died
Someone somewhere is being considered a threat to somebody
Stocks are rising oh my
Sorta famous person died
Sporting event played; victors left it all on the field
Comedian inadvertently insults half the planet by retelling his father's favorite joke
Somebody killed themself
Female celebrity dares to bare abs/bum/legs/elbows in public
Editorial cautioning against optimistic economic outlook
Celebrity who died a while ago actually died from an overdose (now the truth can be told)
Editorial cautioning against pessimistic economic outlook
Someone died while on vacation/celebrating a birthday/getting married/ordering Chinese take out
Whatever you like to eat, it's bad for you
Someone insulted a minor internet celebrity/influencer by addressing them as "he" or "she" instead of "they."
Biggest NFL draft busts of all time
Why this other country is a better place to live than the one you live in now
This Hollywood star from yesteryear was actually gay (now the truth can be told)
Is this the end of brick & mortar stores?
Some people who represent 0.000001 of the current population claim they are being marginalized
Experts sounding alarm about...whatever
Years ago, these people were killed/harmed/slighted, so their descendants should feel bad
If you notice your pet doing this, get it to a vet quick!
Remember the stars of this particular sitcom? They're barely recognizable now!
Couple win lottery with ticket purchased accidently
Animal attacks person who mistakenly thinks the animal wants a sandwich and not the person's arm
Lawyer defends client with accusations against the victim
Followers of politician/religious leader/sports star/celebrity decry unfair treatment of said personality
Someone kills someone with an uncommon object
Big company might declare bankruptcy if government enforces/doesn't enforce tariffs and or taxes
Formerly depressed area/business/person on the road to recovery
Specific minority calls for more inclusion in something or other
This stuff we thought was bad for you is actually not
Someone kills someone after argument over television remote/computer use/fish and chips order
Country with nearly 100% homogenous society has less racial unrest than where you live
Major airline offends traveler who refused to stop passing gas
Someone killed someone in a faraway country for inexplicable reasons
Political party A accuses Political party B of shenanigans
Costliest celebrity divorces
Who to vote for in your area's primary election (trust us, we know)
Two celebrities celebrate wedding
Warring factions in faraway country sign cease fire agreement
Customer with therapy salamander refused service in restaurant
Warring factions in faraway country sign peace treaty
People regarded as royalty given copious amounts of coverage for no known reason
Warring factions in faraway country violate cease fire agreement
Twenty-five songs you didn't know were about cupcake production in the Netherlands
Warring factions in faraway country violate peace treaty
The best cars for drivers with large foreheads
Ten celebrities that voted against our favorite politician - number eight will shock you!
Sequel to hugely popular movie in production with new actor playing minor character
Cat writes thank you notes for gifts received at owners wedding reception
The best lutefisk restaurants in each state ranked by employee uniforms
Movie/television show created three generations ago was racist/misogynistic/nationalistic/baleful
Celebrities you didn't know were born yesterday
Breaking: Congressman didn't know it was illegal to accept large untraceable cash donations
Reporter demonstrates correct way to tie shoelaces
Where to invest less money than it takes to pay for the stock transaction right now
Musical act commentary on political or social issue
Ten best women in coal mining, Editor's picks
Second rate reality television star angry at being treated like second rate reality star
You'll never be able to retire, ever
Weather in your area
Traffic watch
Shiny things


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