Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Things Overheard At The Gym Not Quite Three Weeks Into The New Year

This ain't working, I'm still really fat
All of these people are so good looking and I'm so ugly
I can't do this, it's too hard, I'm sorry
I've always been round, I've always been chubby, and I've always hated it
How much more do I need to lose to be considered skinny?
I've been at this for almost three weeks - are my thighs still fat?
I have to take a selfie so I can share my progress - I'm very proud of myself
That was a hell of a workout, I've never felt that good in my entire life
Keep it up, nothing good happens overnight
Stop being so negative about your efforts. This is your life - it is not an episode of some television show
You've spent a lifetime not working out - your body is not going to change in an hour
You've watched too much TV - dramatic changes do not happen in a two part episode
Stop chatting so much - your fitness goals will not be achieved with thirty minutes of humorous light banter
Dude, you are too down on yourself - improve your self talk!
What has negativity ever done for you?
Absolutely nothing!
You don't need to take a break - you need to make getting healthy a priority
Close your eyes and try to imagine what 4 months of consistency looks like
Progress is slow, that's the reality of the situation.
C'mon man, you're still a work in progress - relax. it'll happen
Eventually you'll hit that stage of starting to really notice changes in your body and also your physical strength, mental health and overall well-being. 
Be patient, learn to accept that what happens next doesn't have a fast-forward button.
Always keep in mind it's easy to get distracted by life in general and fall off the track - but it's just as easy to renew your efforts and get back to it.
Of course it's going to be hard work, but that's the price of the changes you want to make.
Don't expect 9 Months of 1200 Calorie Days to be simple or easy. It's going to be hard as hell
It's going to be a very tough journey, so you need to buck up.
You need to develop right habits
The journey is going to be all up hill, but it'll 100% be worth it
It doesn't matter if you don't have the energy or motivation to do a full workout - just show up and do what you can
Every last person in this gym has had tons of ups and downs on the path to a healthy level of fitness. No one in this place was born fit.
We all want to look good, but wellness is more than aesthetics
Quit making excuses and decide you want to be healthy
Hard work does pay off 
There are days when you are going think what you're doing here isn't making a difference, but try to keep in mind that even the least amount of effort is something that will move you closer to your goal.
Make exercising and eating healthy as important as drinking and partying
You just have to keep pushing yourself

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