The art, adventures, wit (or lack thereof), verse, ramblings, lyrics, stories, rants & raves of Christopher R. Bakunas
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Those Days Of Sun And Sand
Saturday, July 30, 2022
Number One In The World & Living In Obscurity
The world's most physically powerful human being is a Petroleum Engineer.
He was born and raised in Conifer, Colorado, and played football at the Colorado School of Mines - a small public university (less than 7,000 students) that is rated the top school on the planet earth for mineral and mining engineering.
If you are not into (and incredibly good at) mathematics, engineering or science, chances are you have never heard of the Colorado School of Mines, and even if you have heard of the Colorado School of Mines you may be asking yourself, "Waitaminute, the School of Mines has a football team?", and also maybe, "The man that holds 28 world powerlifting records in the superheavyweight class (all drug-free) went to Mines and is now a petroleum engineer?"
Yes, and yes.
His name is Blaine Sumner and he also holds the record for the NFL Pro Day bench press with 52 consecutive repetitions of 225 lbs.
Why oh why am I writing about him today?
Because I asked eleven people today if they had heard of either Brian Shaw (another Colorado born and raised super-strongman - won the World's Strongest Man competition in 2011, 2013, 2015 & 2016) or Blaine Sumner, and while five of the eleven had heard of Brian Shaw, not one had heard of Blaine Sumner.
Which may not be shocking news to you, but I was in a gym. In Colorado. Less than 10 miles from the Colorado School of Mines.
So, I was floored by the fact that not one of the eleven people in the gym knew who Blaine Sumner is.
If he was the fastest man on land or in the pool, most people probably would know who he is. Go ahead, ask anyone if they know what Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps does for a living.
The United States has never been much for strength athletes, that much I've always known. But to live in not only the home state of one of the strongest men not just in the world now, but in the history of the world period, and not have anyone know who he is...well...that's just weak.
P.S. Phil Heath, Mr Olympia for seven consecutive years (2011 - 2017), attended the University of Denver and played Division I basketball as a point guard for the Pioneers. He lived off 58th in Arvada and worked out at the Armbrust gym (not Armburst, Armbrust - it's owned by Dylan Armbrust) in Wheat Ridge, and while a few people in the gym knew of him, not one of them knew he lived less than 10 miles down the street.
Thursday, July 28, 2022
The Forces That Work To Destabilize The Soul
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Monday, July 25, 2022
The Cat Came Back
The cat was gone for exactly one week - from one Sunday night until the next. There was no indication of where he had been - none of the neighbors had seen him, and there was nothing about him that gave even the slightest hint that he had even left the premises.
However, he had been searched for (this being coyote country after all) and while it wasn't exactly an earth-scouring search, it was still a fairly thorough search, and neither hide nor hair (again, this being coyote country after all) was found.
Which gave me a little pause for concern.
Larry had gone off for a couple of days in the past, but never an entire week. Heck, I was beginning to think I might have to get a new cat.
And we all know how much of a pain in the keister getting a good new cat can be.
But Larry returned from his sojourn, just as he had in the past.
Last night while it was raining, he just wandered into the garage, shook himself violently to shed as much water as possible (a trick I think he picked up from the dog), and just plopped down on the pet bed that is right below the garage television.
Gave me a "What? Is something stuck between my teeth?" look as I stared at him.
Friday, July 22, 2022
More Advice To My Younger Self (Or Someone Similiar)
One of the many unwanted side-effects of enduring high-stress conditions (such as a work environment that is uber-hostile, dealing with people who are operating at cross-purposes to your goals, sacrificing substantial amounts of personal free time to facilitate the completion of an arbitrary task that serves no real productive end, etc.) is that it is often damaging to a person's mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
So, don't do that.
In this day and age there are an incredible number of options available to the average person in regard to gainful employment that are low or no stress and provide adequate compensation for your labor/effort.
Do some research, figure out which job really suits you best, then do that. And do it to the best of your ability.
As long as it does not take advantage of or harm another human being.
And adds to the quality of your life.
And has a good benefits package.
And a short commute.
As a youth it's possible to get caught up in the adrenaline rush of working to make impossible deadlines or trying to meet pie-in-the-sky quotas but let me smack you in the face with a harsh truth - chronic stress is a slow-acting poison and ingesting it willingly is suicide.
Thursday, July 21, 2022
The First Picture Taken By A Human On A Solar Body Other Than The Earth
It is worth noting that 53 years ago yesterday the very first picture of an earthman (Buzz Aldrin) walking on the surface of the earth's moon was taken by another earthman (Neil Armstrong).
The picture was taken with a heavily modified Hasselblad 500EL data camera (medium format) outfitted with a Zeiss Biogon f/5.6 60mm lens
Kodak created very thin 70mm film for NASA that allowed the astro-photographers to take 160 color photos or 200 black and white photos per roll - not available at a store near you.
Modifications made to the camera were for two primary reasons - to keep the cameras from freezing or over-heating (two ever-present extremes of the vacuum of space/moon's surface), and, since the astronauts were wearing very large gloves, larger controls on the camera to allow for easier manipulation of the buttons and dials.
There was only one camera available, and Neil Armstrong had it mounted chest-level to his space suit.
Huh. Fifty-three years ago, on a big rock almost 239,000 miles from the earth a camera mounted chest- high allowed a person to keep their hands free for other tasks.
53 years ago. 239,000 miles from the earth's surface. Body-mounted cameras recorded the action.
You'd think some smart person would have thought that technology would have had an immediate use right here on good 'ol terra firma.
BTW, all the cameras used to take pictures on and from the moon during the various Apollo missions were left on the moon (to save weight on the trip back) except for one, a 16mm Mauer motion picture camera that had been used from the inside of the lunar module to document Neil Armstrong's descent down the ladder and onto the surface of the moon.
That camera was secretly brought back by Commander Armstrong, and he kept it hidden for 43 years - it was discovered in his effects after his death and is now on display at the Smithsonian.
Going No Place In Particular At Two Hundred Miles An Hour
Sitting around bored was the worst thing that a thirteen-year-old could possibly have to endure. That and being called a kid by anyone only three or four years older than they were.
Finding something to do and finding a way to at least appear older consumed a lot of energy, but never seemed to consume a lot of time. Thirteen was the longest year, that is until fourteen rolled around, which was so long as to be almost unbearable.
Thirteen and time dragged on as if it was towing the continent of Australia to a cool spot in the shade.
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Thrift Store Wedding Dress With The Fifteen Foot Train
Monday, July 18, 2022
The Random Event Generator Date Falls Flat
Saturday, July 16, 2022
Thursday, July 14, 2022
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
For The Good People Lost
In the past two years, I've attended five funerals and/or memorial services.
Is this the price of growing old? Funerals & memorials? Emotionally draining remembrances?
All of these funerals were for people who I would state unequivocally were good people, some of the best people I have ever been privileged to know.
And all of them died much too young, none of them being older than 57.
None of these people died from CoVid-19.
I miss each and every one of them.
This past Sunday I attended the funeral service for a man I'd known for about 24 years. I was among close to 200 people in the small chapel.
Two hundred people who had been touched by his gregarious nature, his kindness, his dead-pan humor, his sense of adventure, his commitment to his family, and so much more.
The world needs more people like him, not fewer.
Monday, July 11, 2022
In The Passenger Seat
Saturday, July 9, 2022
It's Not A Monster Truck, It's A Modified Truck
"Hey Man, cool Monster Truck."
"Uhm, it's not a Monster Truck. It's a modified truck.
"What? It sure as hell looks like a Monster Truck."
"Shows you what you know about Monster Trucks."
"How is that beast not a Monster Truck?"
"Well, for starters, the tires are normal, street legal off-road tires. Monster Trucks have like, 66 inch tires. Plus, it's actually a truck, not some tubular frame with four-link suspension and a rear mounted engine wrapped in a thin fiberglass shell that sorta looks like a truck."
"Oh. Well, it looks like a Monster Truck, you know, old school Monster Truck."
"Thank you, I intended for the modifications to make it look like one of the original Monster Trucks."
"So it is a Monster Truck...?"
"No, it's not. It's an ordinary truck modified to look like a Monster Truck."
"Right. Can you take it off any sweet jumps?"
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
The House On Top Of The Hill
Above is a picture of the Bates home, also known as the Psycho house, which was originally built as just a facade featuring the front and left sides as shown, as those were the only two sides needed for the original filming.
It was built on the Universal studios lot in California in 1960, then the home was somewhat completed (given a right and back side but no real interior) for the then-new Universal studios tour in 1964.
The four-sided shell of a house was dismantled in 1980 to make way for some other use of the hill it occupied on the studio lot. A close replica of the house (possibly using the dismantled shell?) with a few changes, (including a livelier paint job) was used as the beach house in the 1981 Chevy Chase vehicle Modern Problems.
However, I cast doubt on that assertion. For starters the design used as the Bates house was fairly common - a popular Second Empire home design in the Italianate style with a Mansard roof - thousands of homes like this were built in the years immediately preceding the Civil War and for a few decades afterward.
Monday, July 4, 2022
Sunday, July 3, 2022
Friday, July 1, 2022
Don't Want To Be An American Coward
"F*ck America, I'm renouncing my citizenship. I'm f*cking coming here."
He had to make sure the spotlight was on him, that the cameras captured his anger and disgust
Because of course the only thing that mattered after the ruling was that his bile be spewed, and everyone bear witness
Unlike the courageous millions who knew that the ruling meant it was time to redouble their efforts, to stand their ground and dig in for a hard fight for their rights
He had to let the world know he was going to forsake that fight and the country of his birth to find greener pastures that wouldn't demand any effort on his part to secure freedoms
As long as the adulation of his fans and the cameras remained on him
"There's just too much stupid in the world to go back to that miserable excuse for a country. Oh, I'm not kidding, you're going to get a lot of me in the coming days."
That's right Billy, let the anger flow, let it all out for your adoring public, let them know you have not the slightest idea how lucky you were to have been born and raised in this miserable excuse for a country
Know why there is so much stupid in the world Billy? Because of people like you who do nothing but cry when the world is not to their liking
Cry and run
This miserable excuse for a country was created by people who experienced injustice and refused to accept it and, instead of just whining about it, did something about it - at the risk of losing everything, including their lives
We won't miss you, as we prefer warriors who don't run when the battle appears to be lost, who never give up, who never seek self-aggrandizement for their efforts, who are committed to the fight for the long-haul, who know what it takes to not just demand inalienable rights, but make that demand happen
"F*ck the Supreme Court of America!"
There you go Billy, use your constitutionally protected right to self-expression to throw your fit - such inspirational gallantry...
You could have used that stage to let those affected by the ruling know that you were going to stand with them at the front lines of the battle to restore the rights that had been taken from them, but that would have required sticking your neck out, a little bit of unselfish valour
But you couldn't do that, no, that would not feed your ravenous ego at all
That would have been just too much like what the old white male forefathers of this country had to do to secure the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness that you've enjoyed your entire fortune-blessed existence for your taste, eh?
The thought of having to put a little effort into freedom just turns your stomach, doesn't it?
Gutless coward