Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012

Friday, July 1, 2022

Don't Want To Be An American Coward

Read his words the other day, his reaction to the ruling
Words of a selfish, self-centered cowardly idiot

Same ol' weak words of the recreant 

"F*ck America, I'm renouncing my citizenship. I'm f*cking coming here."

He had to make sure the spotlight was on him, that the cameras captured his anger and disgust

Because of course the only thing that mattered after the ruling was that his bile be spewed, and everyone bear witness

Unlike the courageous millions who knew that the ruling meant it was time to redouble their efforts, to stand their ground and dig in for a hard fight for their rights

He had to let the world know he was going to forsake that fight and the country of his birth to find greener pastures that wouldn't demand any effort on his part to secure freedoms

As long as the adulation of his fans and the cameras remained on him 

"There's just too much stupid in the world to go back to that miserable excuse for a country. Oh, I'm not kidding, you're going to get a lot of me in the coming days."

That's right Billy, let the anger flow, let it all out for your adoring public, let them know you have not the slightest idea how lucky you were to have been born and raised in this miserable excuse for a country

Know why there is so much stupid in the world Billy? Because of people like you who do nothing but cry when the world is not to their liking

Cry and run

This miserable excuse for a country was created by people who experienced injustice and refused to accept it and, instead of just whining about it, did something about it - at the risk of losing everything, including their lives

We won't miss you, as we prefer warriors who don't run when the battle appears to be lost, who never give up, who never seek self-aggrandizement for their efforts, who are committed to the fight for the long-haul, who know what it takes to not just demand inalienable rights, but make that demand happen

"F*ck the Supreme Court of America!"

There you go Billy, use your constitutionally protected right to self-expression to throw your fit - such inspirational gallantry...

You could have used that stage to let those affected by the ruling know that you were going to stand with them at the front lines of the battle to restore the rights that had been taken from them, but that would have required sticking your neck out, a little bit of unselfish valour

But you couldn't do that, no, that would not feed your ravenous ego at all

That would have been just too much like what the old white male forefathers of this country had to do to secure the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness that you've enjoyed your entire fortune-blessed existence for your taste, eh?

The thought of having to put a little effort into freedom just turns your stomach, doesn't it?

Gutless coward

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