You have more than you need
So you have to give
Some of it to meeeee
Gimmee what you have, give it to meeeee
You shouldn't
be allowed to have more
Than everyone else
You should't be allowed to live
In such a nicer house
Or to drive a better car
Or enjoy life with a far
smarter and more beautiful spouse
You have all the toys, you go anywhere you
You have yachts
And a personal chef
And a pure-bred designer dog
It's not
fair, it's not fair, it's not fair
It's absolutely no-way-in-hell fair
you hear?
Do you hear?
Do you hear?
I'm going to demand the government
Take away all your nice, pretty things
Take away all your money
Take away all your influence
Take away
your skills
Take away your abilities
Take away your privilege
And give it
all to me
To me
To me
To me
'cause you shouldn't be able to make so much
Regardless of how much harder you work
Or how many more risks you take
Or soul-destroying sacrifices you make
It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair
It's absolutely no-way-in-hell
Gotta have what you have
You can't be allowed to have more than me
Gimmee that big house
Gimme that fast car
Gimmee that smart, beautiful
Give it all to me, it's only fair
Fair is what life is supposed to be
That's the way I demand it to be
The government needs to set up
A Department
of Redistribution
Of the things you have
In order to give them all to me
It's only fair 'cause I didn't have
Your advantages
Your education
Your luck
Your friends
Your persistence
Your relationships
Or any of the other things you
That made it possible for you to succeed
Gotta have, gotta have, gotta
have, gotta have
What you have
Just hand it all over, set yourself free
Free from the burden of being more successful than me
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