The art, adventures, wit (or lack thereof), verse, ramblings, lyrics, stories, rants & raves of Christopher R. Bakunas
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012
Monday, November 29, 2021
The Monday Evening Discussion (Short Version)
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Friday, November 26, 2021
Gimme Back My Hard Earned Junk
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Thanksgiving Day
This was a tough Thanksgiving.
As I have written at various times throughout the year there seems to have been a dark cloud overhead at times. An extremely dark cloud.
Close friends of mine have become widows and widowers. Close friends of mine have experienced grief I am unable to comprehend.
And truth be told, I never want to have to experience myself.
It puts everything I have had to endure this year, everything I might consider a hardship, into perspective.
And reinforces an ages old adage: Do not fool yourself for a second that there is any guaranty of happiness. Make your days count, make your words count, make your actions count.
Be grateful for every moment you can share with the ones you love.
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
In The Gym In The Morning...With The Over 50 Crowd
Getting up and going to the gym in the morning when you are over 50 is a must do for several reasons.
For starters, waiting until after a full day of work to get to the gym results in a much less enthusiastic workout. Not only have your batteries run down by the time you get there, but the wait to use equipment is 10X more than what it is in the morning.
Actually, the wait is 100X more than what it is in the morning, because in the evening there are hoards of young people crowding the gym and clustering around every rack, bench, machine or weight station, much less the aerobics equipment - that is not the case in the morning.
The kids generally sleep in, while those of us with more than five decades under our belts get up.
Secondly, not only is the gym much less crowded in the morning it is a whole heckuva lot cleaner. In fact if you go to a gym in the morning that has not been thoroughly cleaned overnight, you need to find another gym.
BTW, for my purposes "morning" is the time between 5:30am and 9:00am.
Third, you will be much more comfortable socially in the morning simply because you are more likely to find yourself amidst your own kind at that time - by "your own kind" I of course mean people over fifty trying to maintain at least a modicum of fitness without hurting themselves.
Which leads directly to fourth.
Fourth is the benefit of being able to share in a game I call Injury roulette. If you are over fifty and working out (in the morning or in the evening, or whenever) you are very likely going to pull or strain or over-torque some part of you that you do not want to pull or strain or over-torque.
It just happens, no matter how careful you are, no matter how much you stretch, no matter how often you swear to yourself you are going to take it easy and not delude yourself with the belief you can still do what you did when you were thirty.
Lastly, you get to either eavesdrop on or participate in conversations that are spectacularly different that those you may have had in gyms when you were younger.
Remember the conversations that you had in the gym when you were younger? They usually contained words or statements such as "personal best," or "heavy day," or "you got this," and of course, "Those Zubaz look great on you."
BTW, Zubaz can still be purchased - (unpaid plug)
Conversations in the gym when you're five decades in contain words or statements such as "probably a tear but could be an impingement," or "appointment next week to have it drained," or "Are you trying to hurt yourself?" and of course, "Those shoes look comfortable, where'd you get them?"
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Friday, November 19, 2021
Riding The Light Rail
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Dry Cold Rain
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
The Happiness Found In The Unselfconscious Life
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Friday, November 12, 2021
As Per The Agreement
She was wearing a deep scarlet short-sleeved knit top buttoned from her waist to her collar, and a shiny black pleather skirt. As she walked past him the sound of her boots on the wooden floor and the rustling crackle of her skirt caught his attention.
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Everybody's Got At Least One Ghost
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Countdown From 817 Million To One
That's it. That is the approximate number.
Of what you ask?
Of the average person's chances of being killed by a shark.
Of the average person's chances of winning an Academy Award in any of the acting categories.
Of the average person's chances of writing a book that will become required reading in a classroom.
Of the average person's chances of being the sole winner of a lottery jackpot worth over 200 million (after taxes).
Of the average person's chances of being fluent in Liki. Liki is an Austronesian language spoken only on the island of Liki, one of the 17,000 islands that make up the Indonesian archipelago.
Of the average person's chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics...for surfing (yes, surfing is an Olympic sport).
There may be a few people who question the validity of the above listed events occurring within the oddly specific range of 817 million against listed here, so allow me to assure you they are all completely unverifiable (literally, I just now made them up based upon my perception of how probable each of them might be based on the planet's current population exceeding 7.7 billion divided by supposed (to me) occurrence of each.
Which, therefore means they are as legitimate as any paranormal investigator's claim to have seen a ghost or any psychotherapist's claim of unlocking repressed memories or the torsion field hypothesis.
So yeah, all of those admittedly false statements I wrote are as legitimate as several other unproven (or even frequently scientifically disproved) things hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people, fervently believe.
Maybe I should start writing for the Enquirer or Weekly World News.
NOTE: I might be way off about the death-by-shark odds.
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Set Your Focus On The Little Plastic Lamb
The above gravestone is located in Fort Morgan, Colorado. It marks the final resting place of twins Jane and Philip Dick.
Jane lived but a scant six weeks. I imagine her parents were nearly inconsolable, their grief assuaged only by the survival of the male of the pair, Philip.
Some people reading this will immediately recognize his name, and might, upon seeing the little plastic lamb placed by an unknown prior visitor (and I'll assume, admirer), smile a little at the tribute.
For those who do not recognize the name of the man who lived but 53 short years, I direct your attention to the movie Blade Runner, or maybe the movie Total Recall.
From his fertile imagination sprang forth those stories, and many, many more.
I mentioned to fellow fan J.E.R. the fact that he was interred just an hour north of the area we reside, and he immediately agreed that we should make a pilgrimage of sorts and pay our respects.
So this morning J.E.R. settled behind the wheel of his 4 banger and drove us up to Fort Morgan (kinda fun being a passenger these days btw, get to see so much more of the countryside).
We paid our respects and then enjoyed a late breakfast on this unseasonably warm Fall day at a small local restaurant - the Home Plate Cafe - the chorizo and eggs is highly recommended.
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Inventory Of The Last Choice
She had been very particular about the dates she accepted Laborers were out, as was anyone associated with retail She had narrowed her choices down to Dentist and Pharmacists For obvious reasons
When she was found in her apartment By a concerned co-worker The little empty sienna-orange bottles Littered her bedroom
The co-worker stopped counting at a hundred The coroner's people Would be much more thorough