Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012

Monday, August 28, 2023

Look Back In Laughter

100 years after the last days of the internal combustion engine will people write articles about how foolish it was to think that electric cars were the best alternative to individual short-distance transportation needs?

Will people still gather in coffee shops and sit in front of devices that contain the entirety of mankind's history & knowledge, and largely use them only as news sources, which will cause them to fret and fume as they drink their lattes, still easily aroused about the politics of the day, manipulated by media pundits looking for site hits to increase ad revenue by blaming one party or the other for the nation's state of moral/social/economic decay?

What are the chances that there will be college courses devoted to early 21st century entertainment? Will there be societies dedicated to the preservation of the glory days of MP3 players? Will audio file formats such as FLAC be regarded as crude technologies that were grossly incapable of capturing the true depth of a recorded sound?

In 100 years are people going to look back at today's most advanced medical treatments and therapies and regard them as barbaric? Will the thought that people had to endure the puncturing of skin in order to have vaccines introduced to the body cause people to recoil in disbelief? Will the use of scalpels to perform surgery be thought of as absurdly insane?

What sports that we enjoy today will be long forgotten or treated as folly? Will full contact American football or boxing become as unacceptable as fox hunting or cock fighting?

Could A.I. make the creative endeavors of writers and artists not just unnecessary, but unwanted? 

Will individuals who still prefer to grow their own vegetables in small garden plots and to prepare their own meals on stoves or in ovens be regarded as luddites afraid to embrace the miracles of cyberfarming and cybercooking technology?

In the year 2123 will there be a need for classrooms? Will schools that exist today only be useful as museums showcasing the long antiquated days of in-person instruction?

Cities as we know them have existed for millennia, but will they still exist in 100 years? What will the need be for cities when large numbers of workers or students no longer have to be gathered in one central location?

Is it possible that in 100 years mankind will have been able to harness the true potential of the Internet to educate, inform, and draw closer the people of the earth? 

Most of what was regarded as an exciting advance in technology and thought in the years 1900 to 1920, be it transportation, communication, agriculture, medicine, politics, society, etc. was considered outdated by the year 2000. 

Man oh man how grand it would be to live to see 2123.


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