The art, adventures, wit (or lack thereof), verse, ramblings, lyrics, stories, rants & raves of Christopher R. Bakunas
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Sunday, October 29, 2023
I'd Like To Teach The World To Relax...
Friday, October 27, 2023
Weather Dictates The Menu
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Monday, October 23, 2023
Raised To Charm And Groomed To Attract
Sunday, October 22, 2023
The Clock Hater
Friday, October 20, 2023
Thursday, October 19, 2023
The Unfunny Conversation
"Hey man, I got a great joke for you!"
"Save your breath, Bro, I've lost my sense of humor."
"What? How the hell can a person lose their sense of humor? - are you sure you just haven't seen or heard anything funny lately? Maybe you only think you've lost your sense of humor because you just haven't heard a great joke lately."
"Nah man, I've heard lots of great jokes lately - jokes that have made everyone around me hearing them too bust out laughing - but not me. I've truly lost my sense of humor."
"That's crazy, Dude, and really sad. Maybe you just need to watch a couple of comedies, like Top Secret or The Forty-Year Old Virgin. Those films will crack up a hanging Judge."
"Nope - watched both of those films within the last few weeks, and nothing. Not even a mirthful smirk. It's gone man, and I don't think it's ever coming back."
"Dude, this is serious, we have to get you some help for this. Have you tried a Richard Pryor marathon?" Early stuff, like from '...Is It Something I Said' or maybe 'That Niggers Crazy'?"
"I'm telling you Bro, I've tried everything you can think over the last few months - watched Chaplin and Keaton's best shorts, Listened to all the early stuff from Winters, Newhart, Tomlin, Diller, Rivers, Cheech & Chong - hell, I even listened to Sandler's early stuff just to be sure. Nothing happened, man, nothing at all. It's like I've just been stripped of the ability to laugh."
"Well, damn, man, that is really kinda horrible. Wish there was some way I could help you out."
"Not that I know of, but just in case, what was the joke?"
"Well, a man goes before a judge and requests a change of name. The Judge asks the man his name, and the man replies, 'Lucifer Crapper."
"Oh, I see," says the Judge. "And what you like to change your name to?"
"The man replies, "Robert Crapper."
Hilarity ensued.
Monday, October 16, 2023
Loveland Vintage Video Game Convention 2023
Not my usual cup o' tea, but as I was able to share in the company of a wonderful friend I had not seen in awhile, I went...and whaddaya know, I thoroughly enjoyed myself!
I enjoyed myself thoroughly due to a couple of factors, not just because of the enjoyable company. For starters, while the con was primarily devoted to video games from the early 1970's through the modern day, there was also quite a bit of other fun stuff on display (and for sale), such as a car show and live music
Creative types abounded - artists, artists, everywhere
But mainly it was all about the video games, and video game related paraphernalia.
Saturday, October 14, 2023
The Temper Tantrum
The little boy sitting in the shopping cart was screaming as he clutched a toy that he desperately wanted his Mother to get for him. Everybody in line was a bit discomfited, if not embarrassed, for the kid's Mother.
Except for the woman standing directly in front of me. She made no pretense of covering up how annoyed she was by the tantrum the little boy was throwing. Turning to me, she said, "I could shut that brat up with three words. Stop. That. Now. And he would know that I meant there would be consequences if he didn't."
The little boy's Mother looked forlornly at him, trying her best to stay in control, with a look about her that resounded in my memory - it was the look of a Mom who would have loved to buy her son a nice treat, but the family budget just couldn't be stretched to accommodate the purchase.
I flinched inside looking at the two, simply because I was fairly certain that when I was a little boy out shopping with my Mom, hoping beyond hope that I would be the recipient of a toy I sorely desired, my Mom was also never in a position financially to indulge me.
And also because I was pretty sure that I did exactly what the little boy sitting in the shopping cart just a few people ahead of me in the line was doing, screaming and crying in hopes his Mother would break down and buy him the toy just to get him to shut up.
Didn't work for him, and didn't work for me, either.
What You See Is What He Wants You To Believe It To Be
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Slightly Less Than Exotic
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Friday, October 6, 2023
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
The New Peak View Park, Lakewood, Colorado
Lakewood, Colorado has a new park, or rather, has finally been able to complete development of a park that's been in the works for about six years now.
The park officially opened this past July 7th, but today was the first day I was able to drag my happy self the approximately 2.5 miles to check the place out.
The 57.8 acres that constitute the park were purchased by the city of Lakewood (with a little help from Jefferson County Open Space) from the Taylor estate in 2018 for $6,811,465, which sounds high but was actually a bit of a bargain when you consider the entire 122 acre Taylor estate was up for sale in 2015 for $27.7 million.
The $27.7 million price, it should be noted, did include an 11 bedroom, 9 bathroom, 12 fireplace, 19,373 square foot mansion, a couple of horse barns with a dressage ring, a boat dock on the reservoir, three servants cottages, tennis courts, a large outdoor pool, and a few other small outbuildings.
However, since no one wanted to buy the whole estate, Vernon Taylor III, oldest scion of Vernon Taylor jr. and his wife Ann (who had purchased said estate in the 1950's) decided that dividing the property would be the way to go.
So he offered the mostly roly-poly hillside not-quite-60 acre parcel to the city of Lakewood for the aforementioned $6,811,465, and then put the mansion and the rest of the buildings, along with the remaining 64 acres, up for sale for $14 million. The truncated property failed to sale for that price, so it was then offered at absolute action in 2018.
The 64 acre property with the mansion was sold at that absolute auction on Aug 18th 2018 for $6,490,00, but the current appraised value is in the neighborhood of $7.8 million.
That's 64 acres of flat land, with a mansion, in beautiful Lakewood, Colorado, and with a new open space park virtually in the backyard, for only $7.8 million.
Which would be a crazy bargain, because in todays real estate market a single acre of land in Lakewood goes for up to $500,000.
But, hey, let me not waste time on all that pre-park development jibber-jabber! Let's take a look at what Lakewood has been able to do with the nearly 60 acres that the city purchased (again, with the help of Jefferson County Open Space) in 2018.
Looking east, with the meandering natural surface trail in left/center of the picture