Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012

Friday, November 10, 2023

Do Yourself A Favor Get Yourself A Spine

Larry was very upset, more than he usually was
Terry asked him who pissed in his cereal that morning
Larry said its more serious than such ordinary pshaws
Worse than that said Terry, pray tell, what could it be
It's the worse thing you could possibly imagine, Larry said
You see I discovered that a person I like, does not like me

In the name of Zeus and for the love of Baal, stated Terry
Not to be crude Larry, but pull your head out of your ass
The world is full of people who are not going to like you
You just have to learn to let those things pass

Oh Terry, said Larry, you don't understand
This person is so cool, good looking and exciting 
I cannot comprehend why they would dismiss me out of hand
Who knows why people think what they think, Terry submitted
Look at me Larry, and listen carefully to what I'm saying
How they feel about you does not mean you're misfitted

Larry looked at Terry, sad and forlorn
What did I do wrong, what could the reason be?
Is in my hair or my teeth or the color of my skin?
Is my clothes or my shoes or my scraggly goatee?

It does not matter Terry proclaimed, showing a little frustration
What reason that person has for not choosing to like you
Your worthiness does not depend upon their discrimination
They may be someone you believe to be worthy of your praise
But bear in mind that simply because they don't feel the same
Does not mean that you have to turn yourself inside out and sideways

Sulking like a dog denied a game of fetch
Larry continued to complain, grouse and whine
Terry looked upon his friend with sorrow and despair
Thinking he'd slap some sense into him if it wasn't a crime

Larry, Terry stated, with a strong hint of finality
You can't continue desiring friendship from someone who pushes you away
Trying to do so is contorting reality into fantasy
Wishing someone would like you is the fate of the damned
You'll twist in the wind like they had you dangling by a thread 
On a road paved with lonely desperation, regrets, and bad clams

Don't dwell on why they don't want to bask in your presence
Its everyone's right and you shouldn't begrudge
What people think of you is really none of your business
Unless it's your Doctor, a potential employer, or a hanging Judge

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