Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012

Thursday, August 1, 2024

It's A Most Wondrous Time Of Life

   The reasons people do anything that could draw attention to themselves differs with age. 

   When younger and craving attention it's usually the sort of attention that shocks or offends people that one may feel need to be shocked or offended, so people do things that are calculated (or at least hoped to) shock or offend - it's the whole "teenage rebellion" dealio.

   As a person gets older and matures out of the teenage rebellion cliche (which unfortunately has no set expiration date - some people achieve maturity in their teens, some a few years or decades later, and some...well, some just never do), The reasons people do anything that could draw attention to themselves start to change. 

   The most prominent reason that people want to draw attention to themselves at this stage becomes one of marketability; they need people's attention because they have something to sell, something that will make them money. 

   This happens almost reflexively, at least in the western world. Heck, "branding" is part of the transition from adolescence to adulthood (or what passes for adulthood) these days, and it's not just marketers or celebs that do it - it's something that is part of a wide variety of avocations: athletes, gamers, influencers, networkers, activists, evangelists - heck, even bloggers. 

   There is nothing wrong (IMHO) with wanting to make a name for oneself, to become known for being good at something to the degree that people are willing to throw money at you to do it, or even just wanting to be known for being good at something just because it gets your ego/mental state some sort of placation (there is something wrong with wanting  to be known for being good at something if that something harms or takes advantage of another human being, but that's a digression for another day). 

   However, there does come a time when a person does things to draw attention to themself not to be iconoclastic or to piss off parents/relatives/teachers/authority/a demographic they despise for whatever reason, etc., and that time is truly a wonderous time.  

   I am of course talking about the point in life that, when reached, is the most emotionally liberating and satisfying of all, and is not dependent on having reached any of the other markers of progression such as mental stability or financial security. 

   It's the point at which one simply does something, whether it's wearing a specific shirt or getting a specific haircut or indulging in a specific activity, simply because it's something one wants to do, likes to do, finds satisfaction in doing (and does not harm, interfere with, or take advantage of another human being), and adds to their enjoyment of life without remorse or regret. 

   That right there is true freedom. When the motivations for doing anything are not based on how others are going to react or think or be impressed/influenced/made envious or jealous by, but instead are motivated simply because you and only you are going to enjoy and be comfortable with the clothes you're wearing, car you're driving, home you're living in...free from ego-driven motivations, free from that dreaded "keeping up with the Jones" status trap, free from a need to address a misperceived shortcoming, free from the need to look or talk or act in a specific manner to fit in with a specific crowd..that's true freedom, right there. 

   I think I'm there. 


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