Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012

Monday, August 19, 2024

The Lighter & Brighter Sculptures Seen In Philadelphia

   An email showed up this morning that asked the question, "Surely you had to have encountered sculptures in Philadelphia that were a little lighter and brighter than what you posted in the previous two post?"

  Too which I replied, "Yes I did, and please don't call me Shirley".

  The thing is, I didn't encounter a whole heckuva lot of lighter and brighter sculptures, but those that I did will be showcased here. Remarkably, the color of choice for the sculptures I did see was pretty much a variant on the orange that is seen on public art in nearly every major city I've visited.

   Well, that's it - those are all the even remotely lighter and brighter sculptures I saw in Philadelphia. Which doesn't mean there aren't more, it just means I didn't see 'em. Maybe there's some secret trove of lighter and brighter sculpture in Philadelphia I am simply not privy to. 

   There is a lot of lighter and brighter public art in Philadelphia however, such as mural work I'll feature soon, and the public art seen at the Philadelphia airport (which, btw, is in the running for the "Most Improved Airport" award).

   I'll get all of that up as time allows.

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