Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Children Of Privilege Are Going To Save The World

The children of privilege are going to save the world
Though they've never gone without they know exactly what you need
Tell you you've been brainwashed when you refuse to believe
Everything they tell you is what you need to be free

The children of privilege have always received the right education
And even after mom & dad split up 
They received adequate substitutes for parental affection
Each exactly according to their nurturing needs

Slapping that Give Peace A Chance decal on your Tesla is easy
If you've never been forced to actually fight
Not with words or a well-written editorial but with your fists
To defend yourself, your family or a random innocent kid

Pleading with us all to donate to their pet causes
While they're wearing ten-thousand dollar Armani suits
Or playing the role of the common man when its called for
In pre-ripped and worn thousand dollar jeans 
....and fashionable factory-scuffed Cowboy boots

Pre-approved social sentiment and environmental consciousness up the ass
As they languish on the balcony of their 5,000 sq ft summer homes
Dressed to the nines at fundraisers for some oppressed demographic 
Sipping fine wine from a cup made from the latest 
....starch-based biodegradable styrofoams

Believing deprivation means not having enough toys
Or having to eat at a soup kitchen (where they volunteer to serve up dinner rolls)
Without ever having a clue as to what it means to actually live everyday in fear
Of losing jobs, houses, families, minds and souls

Tell us we are morons for not voting for the billionaire of their choosing
Tell us that we're lemmings if the people we listen to are not telling their story
Subtly slip in that only the uneducated, misguided or the mentally unfit
Would listen much less believe any words that didn't originate in their repertory

The children of privilege need their guilt to be assuaged
They need to be able to believe that the life they live is in everyone's best interest
The children of privilege need to believe they are divinely appointed stewards
So if you could just please be compliant that would be very considerate

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