Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012

Friday, January 31, 2025

Strange Aquaintances

   That one, well that one is known for taking unnecessary risks with his heart, as he often pursues unavailable women despite being fully aware that nothing good can possibly come of his affectionate gestures and romantic overtures.

   And the one over there, the one staring off into the distance? Yeah, he has a penchant for adventure and exploration, but not to wildly exotic and/or beautiful places - he likes to pay visits to places most people label as "hellholes", or at best "godforsaken".

   The woman standing near the Bodichon landscape? She's cursed with the inability to understand probability, gets herself in debt to bookmakers and their ilk on a near constant basis, has to be bailed out by her parents quite regularly.

   Those two over there? They are quite the pair. They met at a Karaoke bar and somehow got the idea that they should perform together as a duo. Neither of them could carry a tune with a forklift, but they enjoy singing together and have become quite well known for their interpretation of "Summer Wine", which admittedly isn't all that bad...sometimes.

   Her? She's alright I suppose, though there is the small issue with her insistence that everyone who visits her home has to wear a robe - she has dedicated one room in her home to storage of a wide variety of robes and also as a changing area with lockers for guests' clothing. Whenever she hosts a party, which is often, all invitees who don't show up wearing robes of their own are shown to the robe room.

   Now that guy by the Wassily chair, he's something else. He proclaims himself to be an introvert, a house mouse if you will, but I don't believe I've ever attended one of these shindigs without seeing him there too, and usually standing near a large group of guests that he appears to be engaged with but is actually just eavesdropping on.

   Me? Oh, I'm nobody, really. Just an old acquaintance of our host with a lot of time on my hands and nothing better to do than play dress up and pretend for the cameras and the press.



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