Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012

Friday, January 31, 2025

Translation Of Greeting Responses From Friends Who Appear To Be A Little Down

Q: "Hey man, how's it going?"             Meaning: "Hi."

A: "Alright, things are okay."                Meaning: "Life kinda sucks right now."

Q: "Dude, how's it hangin'?"                Meaning: "Hi."

A: "Not bad, can't complain."               Meaning: "Shite storm's on the horizon."

Q: "What's up my brother?"                 Meaning: "Hi."

A: "Just chillin' like a villain."                Meaning: "Oh god, what am I doing with                                                                                       my life?"

Q: "What's crackin' Jackson?"             Meaning: "Hi."

A: "I'm doing great, thanks."                Meaning: "Can't really get worse, I hope"                                                                   

Q: "S'up broham, what's the dealio?"  Meaning: "Hi."

A: "It's all good Bubba."                       Meaning: "Man, do I need a stiff drink."                                                                                      

Q: "What's happenin' sunshine?"         Meaning: "Hi."

A: "Not much, same old same old."     Meaning: "I've abandoned all hope for                                                                                           happiness."

Q: "Hey, good to see ya', How's it?"     Meaning: "Hi."

A: "It's all good in the hood, friend."     Meaning: "Nothing is good in the hood."                                                                                         

Q: "Gooood Morning rice-a-roni!"         Meaning: "Hi."

A: "Right back atcha."                           Meaning: "Get the hell away from me."

Q: "Hey! long time no see, McGee!"     Meaning: "Hi."

A: "Good to see you too, Magoo."         Meaning: "key riste, I must have been                                                                                          horrible in another life."

Q: "What's kickin, Chicken?"                  Meaning: "Hi."

A: "Oh you know, couldn't be better."     Meaning: "It's never, ever going to get                                                                                          better. Kill me now."

Q: "What's up Buttercup?"                      Meaning: "Hi."

A: "Not much, all is as it should be."       Meaning: "What the hell did I do to                                                                                               deserve this?"

Strange Aquaintances

   That one, well that one is known for taking unnecessary risks with his heart, as he often pursues unavailable women despite being fully aware that nothing good can possibly come of his affectionate gestures and romantic overtures.

   And the one over there, the one staring off into the distance? Yeah, he has a penchant for adventure and exploration, but not to wildly exotic and/or beautiful places - he likes to pay visits to places most people label as "hellholes", or at best "godforsaken".

   The woman standing near the Bodichon landscape? She's cursed with the inability to understand probability, gets herself in debt to bookmakers and their ilk on a near constant basis, has to be bailed out by her parents quite regularly.

   Those two over there? They are quite the pair. They met at a Karaoke bar and somehow got the idea that they should perform together as a duo. Neither of them could carry a tune with a forklift, but they enjoy singing together and have become quite well known for their interpretation of "Summer Wine", which admittedly isn't all that bad...sometimes.

   Her? She's alright I suppose, though there is the small issue with her insistence that everyone who visits her home has to wear a robe - she has dedicated one room in her home to storage of a wide variety of robes and also as a changing area with lockers for guests' clothing. Whenever she hosts a party, which is often, all invitees who don't show up wearing robes of their own are shown to the robe room.

   Now that guy by the Wassily chair, he's something else. He proclaims himself to be an introvert, a house mouse if you will, but I don't believe I've ever attended one of these shindigs without seeing him there too, and usually standing near a large group of guests that he appears to be engaged with but is actually just eavesdropping on.

   Me? Oh, I'm nobody, really. Just an old acquaintance of our host with a lot of time on my hands and nothing better to do than play dress up and pretend for the cameras and the press.



Tuesday, January 28, 2025

How Alan Met His True Love

 He sat at the small desk with a broken candle in one hand and a ballpoint pen in the other. He wasn't certain which one was useful or relevant, so he held on to both as if waiting for someone to grant him permission to put one or the other down.

With no small amount of trepidation he looked to his left, towards what he thought was the source of the high pitched humming. There was a radio over there and standing next to the radio was a tall thin woman, her face stark, lean, with the look of a political prisoner who had just been served a reprieve.

The woman was adorned in a dress that was made out of small, irregular shaped pieces of carpet samples that had been sewn together using fishing line, or maybe it was the monofilament line used in weedwhackers.

Whichever was the case, it did a good job of keeping the irregular shaped pieces of carpet samples together, and allowed the dress to drape around her gaunt frame much like a wet lumpy towel that had been thrown over a fence post.

She noticed him staring at her and reached over to the radio, shutting it off with a twist of one of the large knobs that protruded from the top of the device.

He said, "Thank you,"

She replied, "You're welcome."
He said, "I'm Alan."

She said, "I'm Pari."

They looked at each other for a few minutes without speaking another word.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Friday, January 24, 2025

A Few Lines Scribbled Down On A Napkin While Drinking Beer At A Beachside Cafe In Luperon

Down in the Dominican you can set your mind at ease
Lean back into a beach chair and enjoy the warm breeze
Nothing to remember to do, no one you have to please
Maybe you might climb Pico Duarte, see the forest for the trees
Maybe you can climb aboard a sailboat and cruise the Caribbean sea 

It's there for you if you want it
From Monte Cristi to Punta Cana
Sunshine when it's raining
Good times today and manana

Thursday, January 23, 2025

A Grand Failure Of Quality Control

   I saw this little gem of workmanship in an apartment building in downtown Denver the other day. It is not in the parking garage, it's in a lobby hallway leading to the elevator. 

   The apartment building was constructed within the past two years.

   My only question is, how the hell did this make it past the inspector?

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Helpful House Hunting Tip #27

   When on the prowl for a new pad it is always a good idea to check out neighborhoods you think might be the place you want to live forever (or even for just a few years) on the worst possible days - say, on a bitterly cold day following 6 or 7 inches of snowfall.

   Are neighbors out shoveling/snowblowing driveways and sidewalks? If so, that's a neighborhood worth considering.

   Especially if it's a non-HOA neighborhood.

   For the sole reason that it shows both responsibility and pride, and those are traits you should be looking for in potential new neighbors.

   After all, you can change just about anything you don't like about a house (with the proper permits, of course), but you can't change your neighbors.

Monday, January 20, 2025

I Love The Sound Of Crunching Snow

   There is something about the sound of crunching frozen snow that is music to my ears.

   The cadence of wry-ate, crench, wry-ate, crench, wry-ate, crench, wry-ate, crench, wry-ate, crench, wry-ate, crench as I walk heel-toe along a frozen, snow-covered path in heavy insulated boots seems to echo all around me, reminding me of a time and place more than thirty years past.

   Growing up in San Diego, snow was pretty much a non-entity for me, so in my mid-twenties when I lived in Anchorage, Alaska, walking through the snow was something I did with an absurd amount of pleasure.

   I somewhat reveled in it then, and pretty much still do.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Yet Even More Pics From A Soldiers Pictorial Record Of His Stay In Korea, 1954

   This is the third posting of pictures I found in a thrift store that were taken by a U.S. Army soldier deployed to South Korea in 1954. Most of these pictures have a short descriptive written in pencil on the back, some of which was written in Spanish in a small, cursive script. 

   Underneath each photo I wrote word-for-word what was written on the back of the photo - If it was written in Spanish I translated to English as best I could, but the script was at times a little difficult to decipher.

                                                                  Web Nan Cine In Korea 

                                                               Mamason Korea 08 Oct 1954

                           Esta Es La Casa Donde Estoy. Aqui Trabajo En Esta Casa
                           Translation: This Is The House Where I Am. Here I Work In This House

                                                            NCO Club, Korea 7-12-54

                                                      Mess Area 24th GP 25 Aug 54 Korea

                                                            K 16 Korea 7 20 54

                                                            K 16 Korea 7 20 54

        Este Es Una Senofiso De Aroz Y Los Koranos Arder Trabajando
        Translation: This Is A Rice Field And Koreans Are Burning Up Working

                            Reverse Of The Above Photo So You Can See What I'm Dealing With

                                                       Rice Patty Korea 7 28 54

           Estos Son Los Techos De Las Casas. Son Echos Como De Paja 
           Translation: These Are The Roofs Of The Houses. They Are Made Of Straw

                                               Bland & Parker & Price In Korea

                                             Nothing Was Written On The Back Of This One



Saturday, January 18, 2025

In The Dread Of Winter

   It's one of those days wherein you know you should just stay inside with a hot bowl of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich, but some compulsion deep within you compels you to get dressed (extra layers, of course) and go for a walk.

   Ten degrees out but it feels like two.  Shoulda brought a thermos of hot cocoa.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Subtle Gender Differences


                                          Break room in a company that has 85% female staff

                                   Break room in a company that has 85% male staff

Monday, January 13, 2025

Oh Sure, Access Is A Little Limited...But Look At That View!

   It's been said that the best investment on Earth, is earth. However...there is that little sticking point about location, location, location. Much better to own a quarter acre on the coast than a thousand acres in the desert.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Gist Of Yet Another Weird Dream I Had

   Jerry held one end of the bright red, extremely lightweight lengths of four-inch wide finish line tape and excitedly watched as the group of eight women sprinted towards him. At the opposite end of the tape stood his friend and fellow Pepperdine university student Bobby "Murph" Murphy, who equaled if not slightly exceeded his own enthusiasm for such a simple task.

   It was the late 1970's and both of the young men had been chosen from a pool of volunteers to hold up the finish line tape for the women's 100 meter dash. Primarily because both of them were tan, tall, fit, and looked like central casting's idea of what two young male California college students should look like.

   Neither of the young men could believe their luck. The group of young women, all of them beautiful television or movie stars and all of them clad in skimpy satin shorts and tight tank tops charging at full speed down the individual lanes of the straightaway of the oval track were a hetero young man's delight, just as the producers of this "sporting" event planned.

   Both Jerry and Murph tried their best not to be to overwhelmed by the presence of the celebrities - Richard Dawson, Mike Farrell and Bill Bixby were gathered together with a few other actors standing at the finish line (Jerry was certain that one of them was Tony Dow, but couldn't imagine how his agent was able to get him involved), each of them holding stop watches and paying rapt attention to the race.

   Murph's smile broadened as he watched the gratuitous bouncing of the ample bosoms of the energetic competitors, some of which were prominently featured on posters he had tacked to the walls of his dorm room.

   The women were fairly evenly matched until fifty meters in, when Susan Saint James (who had to be over thirty thought Jerry) and Harlee McBride broke from the pack. Both of them had great form and Murph actually interrupted his lust-filled thoughts to comment to himself that both of those actresses must have ran track in high school or college, or had at least worked with a track coach for a couple of weeks before this race.   

    As the women got within twenty meters of the finish line Jerry and Murph held the tape up a little higher as per the instructions of one of the producers, who wanted the finish to be filmed as close to dead center breast height of the winner as possible (his exact words were, "I want the winner of this race to break the tape with her nipples!")

    Saint James and McBride appeared to be dueling it out for first when suddenly Adrienne Barbeau came out of nowhere and pulled alongside both of the leaders. It was neck and neck for the last five meters but Barbeau appeared to have won the race by a nose...neck and neck and a nose not being the descriptives that the producer used, btw.  

    Richard Dawson, Ted Shackleford and Pepper Martin approached Greg Harrison, who was officiating the race, and gave him the individual times for the finishers. Randi Oakes finished in last place, which had Harrison cracking up for some reason.



Thursday, January 9, 2025

Crass, Exploitive Words Regarding A Destructive Tragedy In The Kingdom Of Crass Exploitation

                            They called up the fire department and screamed 
                                     "Our house is burning down!"
         "Can't do a thing for ya'" was the only reply
                            Warren Zevon could not have imagined the horror of all this 
                                                      When he was writing about the apocalypse 
                            L.A. was eventually going to have to face
                     It's happening now and all that can be done
         Is the filming of the event 
                                        By a thousand videographers
                             Drones in the sky capturing dramatic 
                                                          Footage of the flames 
                                                          Lapping at the edges of infinity pools
                            That will be used for the exciting docudrama
                                          To be seen exclusively on Netflix in the coming months
         Replete with multiple interviews with some very famous people 
                                                            Who lost nearly everything in the conflagration
                                                            Caused by excessively dry conditions 
                      (In an irrigated desert prone to periodic drought)
                                         And swirling dry Santa Ana winds 
         Brave men and women doing everything they can
                                                         To try to control the uncontrollable
                    The cameras are rolling as residents are forced to leave
                                          Their homes and memories behind
                                          Pictures of the destruction of beachfront mansions
                           Posted on Instagram, X, YouTube and of course TMZ 
         Eventually, maps of the inferno's meandering path of devastation
                           Will be available for the interested at the corner of Sunset & Church
                                           Not too far from the Hotel Angeleno (four stars)
                                           If it's still there, that is

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

On Being A Grown Man Who Plays With Words In His Spare Time

The not too horrible or painful experience that was his life
Summed up with multisyllabic words like a Swiss pocketknife
Engulfing him in guilt and other self-inflicted strife
There was something about having fun at another's expense

Personal turmoil long-lost counterfoil sugar-coated snakeoil

He had time now to indulge in his whimsey
He'd publish them all no matter how flimsy
Maybe even find a way to sneak in Djibouti
Lecturing about poison pens to the Secretary of Defense

Razor blades hand grenades transparent masquerades

All the elements necessary for getting along with others
Teachers insisting they sing in harmony like the Everly brothers
For wishing violence against their angry fathers and absent mothers
As if by encouraging peace they were assuaging a need for penitence

Dark purple shadows vegetarian commandos coloratura sopranos

That girl he only knew by her street name Ton o' Lovin' Brenda
Looked like a friendly overfed rat but lived her own agenda
She couldn't care less what others thought didn't keep a corrigenda
What she lacked in education she made up for in common sense

Sometimes drunken mimes quietly whisper sober rhymes 


Sunday, January 5, 2025

The Go Big Or Go Home Pizza Party

                                              Not the actual pizza, for illustration purposes only

    It was his birthday and Blaine had invited nine friends over to help him celebrate, with specific instructions that no gifts were to be brought - he was aggressive in his assertion that he had everything he needed or wanted, and just the company of his friends to mark the occasion was all he desired. 

   Of course everyone brought something - mostly bottles of fairly decent wine such as a couple of Caymus 2020 Cabs, A Lail 2016 Cab, and several bottles of his favorite, the 2014 Vaso Cellars Cab. 

   He did not make the slightest pretense of objection to any of those gifts, as he knew true affection was behind everyone of them and he had long ago developed the graciousness to accept gifts that were from the heart despite his prior request for no gifts (a request he made every year on his birthday that was ignored every year on his birthday - it had become somewhat of a tradition).

   He asked everyone gathered around the large round table if they all liked pizza. Everyone answered that yes, pizza was indeed a favored food.

   Then he asked each individual present how many slices they could eat at one sitting.

   Questions were asked about how big the slices would be and with what /how many toppings, but the most common answer given was three slices.

   He then asked the group as a whole if everyone was hungry now, and, as we had all been asked over for dinner, we all naturally answered in the affirmative.

   That's when the doorbell rang. He excused himself to answer it and returned in thirty seconds or so, leading two people who were carrying one large box each. Both boxes appeared to be two inches thick, and two feet by four feet long.

   He introduced the two people as Jay and Dee and added that they were from a food service he had found online that specialized in creating giant portions of specific popular foods. Then he asked four of us to get up from our seats and clear a space in order to allow Jay and Dee to put the boxes down.

   Once on the table the two boxes were opened, revealing one half of a giant pizza in each box.

   The two halves, which were both on large pieces of cardboard that mirrored the pizza dimensions, were placed on the table to form one whole four foot in diameter pizza, and it looked...well, monstrously delicious.

   After a quick, rousing rendition of Happy Birthday, plates were passed around and we all dug into the biggest pizza any of us had ever seen.

   And even though we ate three (or four, or five) pieces each, there was quite a bit left over, so we were all sent home with enough slices for lunch the next day...and the next day after that.

   It was epic.


Friday, January 3, 2025

Every Good Thing Has To Start Somewhere

   The whole thing with New Years resolutions is to give one a jumping off point to either: A) Get started on something that is primarily for personal benefit such as taking better care of one's health or finances or relationships, or B) Get involved in something that benefits the greater good such as volunteering to assist a charity or even just bringing a trash bag along on your daily constitutional in order to pick up litter as you stroll.

   At least that's the way I see it - of course, I could be wrong, which would not be a surprise to anyone.

   The point is, at least for myself, is the get started/get involved part. New Years Day provides a starting line, with the starting gun going off at midnight of December 31st.

   Unless of course the New Year inexplicably brings with it a wicked head cold and you can't get yourself up to do much of anything. That happens, and it's a pain in the patookas.

   But it's only a temporary delay.