Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Baby, It's Hot Outside*

I really can't play
Baby, it's hot outside
Like, a hundred and two in the shade
Baby, it's hot outside
This afternoon has been
A perfect match for a Dutch Oven
So freakin' hot
I'm feeling like a lobster boiling in a pot

My mother will begin to swelter
Honey, can't stand the summer weather?
My father will be kicking the A/C
Trying to coax it to the lowest degree
So, I really better be jettin'
Honey, no need to start sweatin'
Maybe we could both drink lemonade
I'll put a CD in while you get it made

The neighbors are beginning to stink
Baby, it's stifling out there
Say, can I get more ice in this drink?
No fans to be found around here
I wish it would snow
Your eyes are like melting, you know?
Or at least an hour of cool rain
Take off our clothes and dance in the floodplain

I wouldn't yell "no, no, no sir"
Mind if I take a cold shower?
I'll state out loud that I almost fried
It's not a matter of saving face or pride
I really can't play
Baby, Don't even doubt
Baby, it's hot outside

Ugh, it's very muggy, you know?
I like to think of it as semitropical

I wish it would snow
Baby, it's hot outside
The answer is, "Go"
But Baby, it's hot outside
The world is a furnace
If we're not careful it'll turn us
Into extra crispy human
Floating in a bowl of steaming ramen

My sister will be pernicious
Damn, that's downright capricious
My brother will be out on the porch
As on fire as the human torch
My hipster Aunt will be malicious
Damn, that's downright officious
Burnin' like a funny cigarette does
The kind that gives you an ugly buzz

I've got to get a swamp cooler
Baby, that would be the best thing ever
We could put a pool over there
Bring down the temp in here
Turn this place into a cool oasis
Then touching wouldn't faze us
I think I'm beginning to see
The value of a quality A/C

Maybe it won't be so hot tomorrow
We could be at the top of Kilimanjaro
And there will be plenty of iced tea
At least a gallon each for you and me
I really can't play
You have to cut that noise
Baby, it's hot
Baby, it's hot outside

Okay, we'll have another lemonade
That took little to no convincing

*Apologies to Frank Loesser

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