Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Giving Grand Rapids, Michigan Business Signs The Business


Stan's Tacos, right down the street
from Juan's Pizza Parlor

Forty Pearl...In trust we wine
With wine, we must



                                     Hard to go wrong when you shop A Dong

Which is not too far from the Big O

If that floats your boat, there's the Brikcrete
Motel...with free cable TV

             Take a few pics as souvenirs? Marks will have them for you in an hour

 Maybe go down to Barrio (which is as far from a barrio as one can get) and have tacos, tequila & whiskey

The Hawaii Market might have Poke, Poi, or Mochi...or at least a pineapple or two

No Mochi at the Hawaii Market? Get a twisty freeze cone here


Nothing you like at the Dairy Den? Tsitsiki La Michoacana might have a tasty frozen Greek/Mexican treat on offer

For a more substantial meal, try the Fat Man's Fish Fry

In a hurry? A wet or dry burrito from Coney Island is always a delicious quick snack

                                  Though more pizza is always an option...over there


Get any on ya? The Bubble Magic Laundromat is right around the corner 

                   Tired of walking? Drew's may have the solid used car of your dreams

Oil Changers is nearby, in case you don't trust the age of the oil in the car when you buy it

You can probably get all the buyers documents from B Quick Instant Printing while you wait 

Drop in at Second Vibes just to, you know, chill

Take a little stress off your shoulders with a little Tai Chi...or Wing Chun

                                   Scuba lessons are also available, just take a right here

Prefer companions who engage in one-sided conversations? Casa La Parrot my be just your style

Jose's is open late, in case you're still hungry

                                               Though there are always burger options

                                                              Burgers and pie, oh my

                                                    Burgers for breakfast? Nice try

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