Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012

Friday, May 31, 2019

Show 'Em What You Are

Tryin' & Cryin'

Some people give it all they got
Try and try and try again
Get knocked down and get back up again
Never say never, and never take no for an answer

And still fail

I'm here to say
As many have before me
That what they (or you) have experienced
Is not actually failure

It's just part of the human condition

Just like getting back up is
Dusting yourself off
And saying (to yourself of course, no need to raise alarm)
"Heh, I guess I'd better try something else."

That's how it works.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Grey On The Inside

Sometimes it's hard to find the enthusiasm
Sometimes it's hard to get out and face the world
Sometimes you feel a little grey inside

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Just Minding My Own Business

I was just minding my own business at the bar enjoying a night out on the town when this girl with a sultry walk and wild smile came up to me and asked if she could sit down. I'm not one for passing up chances from attractive ladies making passes, so I stood and pulled her out a seat.

She told me her name was Gina as she sat down and I replied with mine. She asked if I was alone for the evening and I told her I was, and then said that if I didn't mind, she would sure like to be my company for awhile, as she didn't much want to be alone tonight herself

For about 1/100 of a second I thought she was coming on a bit strong and could not possibly be single. Hell, it actually crossed my mind that she most likely was a professional and I'd be best served by passing on the offer, but then my libido took control and I heard the words, "Sure, that would be great, what are you drinking?" come out of my mouth.

About 45 minutes of chatting and a few drinks passed between us before she excused herself, and I watched as she walked towards the restrooms on the far end of the bar.

When I turned back to my drink a guy wearing a cowboy hat and a blue denim long-sleeve work shirt was next to me, uncomfortably so.

There was no expression on his face, but there was an odd look of sadness in his eyes.

He looked at me and said in a steady quiet voice, "Hey man, enjoy the ride while you can. But I'm going to give you the same advice the guy who caught me with her in a place much like this just a little over a year ago gave me. She's not trustworthy, not for a minute, she's always looking for a bigger, better deal, and tonight it looks like you're it. So stay on your toes and always know if she's going to cheat on me with you, she's going to eventually cheat on you, too."

The man then turned away and left, and I could feel the eyes of the bar upon me. It was just a minute or so until that girl I thought was too fine to be single came back to the bar and asked me what we were going to be doing next. I looked straight into her eyes and I answered with a quiet laugh, telling her I thought I'd be getting on my way. She got a mean look on her face and asked me what my problem was and I said that tonight, for the first time in a long time, I had no problem, I only had answers, and then I put on my hat and walked out into the night.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Friday, May 24, 2019

Just For The Feng Shui

She insisted the sofa needed to be
In the far right corner
I said no
The sofa was placed in the far right corner
I had to go

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Whichever Way The Wind Blows

Modern up to date outlook on the world
Dresses to never disappoint
Can give you the rundown on the latest and greatest
And always ready to bail just before the tipping point

He's in on the zeitgeist
Never ahead or behind
Spends every dollar he earns staying up to date
In style by design

He's got fashion sense 
Can spot a trend before it hits the street
Though not much for common sense 
Thinks it's an old, worn out conceit

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Sure, It's Horrible

A man I knew committed suicide the other day
One of the happiest, go-luckiest men I ever knew
Loved his kids

Another friend of mine
Who had met the aforementioned friend on one occasion
Told me this (and I paraphrase);

"Well, he was a middle aged white male 
The prime demographic
There is an epidemic of those men taking their own lives
And our culture could not care less"

Monday, May 20, 2019

Those Invincible Years

Not Everybody Survives Youthful Indiscretions

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Old Age Adage # 27

One of the biggest hurdles to overcome as one gets older is how easy it gets to start accepting less of yourself.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Trite Little Too Serious Piece O'Crap Pop Poem For A Lost Soul I Once Knew Who Loved Trite Little Too Serious Piece O'Crap Pop Poems

She was too young then and she was too young today
But the Reaper has never been interested in anybody's age
When it comes time to carry a soul away

I remember riding in her jeep on the open highway
Top down, music blasting, her skirt hiked to show her legs
Acting like a wild English girl in a Truffaut screenplay

Too young then 
Too young now
Never wanted to grow old, never wanted to grow up
Too, too young

A few times we stayed up late talking about serious issues
At first she said she'd been molested when she was a kid
I just sat and listened, not sure of what to say or do

She told me that's why she was constantly trying to escape
And as we grew a little closer and she felt safe to open up
She told me it wasn't molestation, it was constant rape

Too young then
Too young now
Never wanted to grow old, never wanted to grow up
Too, too young

The relationship ended after yet another ugly binge
I wasn't man enough I guess to handle that sort of thing
She'd gone back to the white or so I was told by a friend

A few years later we ran into each other at a local bar
Said she was single again and asked what I wanted to do
I told her I was going home alone and drove off in my car

Too young then
Too young now
Never wanted to grow old, never wanted to grow up
Too, too young

The news came late this afternoon
It was sad and it took awhile to realize what I had just read
The words blurred and all I could say was much too soon.

Later as I sat down on the deck in the backyard
With the dog at my side and the sky filled with stars
I wondered how any us ever survived our childhood scars

Too young then
Too young now
Never going to grow old, never going to grow up
Too, too young

*For R.E.R, 12/11/1975 - 05/13/2019*

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Tricking The Skeletons

The skeletons had been extremely persistent 
                With their demands to be let out of the closet
                        Patrick, however, was having none of that
      And was able to placate them with a rather convincing 
The gist of which was that being outside of the closet
      Was dangerous
                            More dangerous than sunlight to vampires
                            Or worms to fish
And so the skeletons remained in the closet 
      Feeling much safer than they had in years

Monday, May 6, 2019


Martin had always felt a little desperate.

At this very moment he was hoping desperately for a break, which, if he had been counting (which he had not been) would make it the the 2,876th time he had desperately hoped for a break since he had turned 8 years old.

Martin had no way of knowing this, but as luck would have it, he was the single most desperate human who had ever lived.

He had no way of knowing it simply because he had never stopped to think about it, but it was true.

Being desperate for friendship, being desperate for something to do, being desperate for a job, being desperate for money, being desperate for, well, for everything, was how Martin thought everybody felt.

Always felt, every minute of every day.

Martin was not able to entertain the thought that people, most people, the vast majority of people, did not spend their days in desperation.

That thought had literally never entered his head.

The desperation that Martin was feeling was not common to most people. In fact, it was so rare to feel this sort of desperation that medical science still had not encountered it.

The particularly rare desperation that Martin was feeling was almost unexplainable.

It was the desperation that came to only those that lived in desperation, those that took in desperate breaths and spent their waking hours making constant desperate glances.

It was the desperate feeling that the desperate feeling one was feeling was not going to be desperate enough...not this time.