Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012

Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas San Diego, Ca. March 2012
Eddie Arana, Rick Thibodeau, & Chris Bakunas at Luche Libre Taco Shop in San Diego, March 2012

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Dimly Remembered Distraction


          Colors shined so brightly made one wonder how
Must have been something in the water making them tap their feet
Waited on the encore or at least for the performers to take a bow
In sweat-stained shirts, vapor wicking off heads from the heat

Sounded almost as good as the Belly Up show
That was a good time for almost one and all
Muffled Pete lost his girl and got arrested though 
The price paid for starting a pointless brawl

Motivated by boredom, dying to be interesting
In someone's eyes, from someone's point of view
Waded through the crowd, mingling

The odds were against, the chances few
Hopes of meeting the one dwindling
As the band started into a slow number everyone knew 
To the point that no one was really listening

And he asked himself for the seventeenth time
Why do I ever come to these shows?
What a waste, driving all the way up to Anaheim
Why do I ever come to these shows?

The wrong question asked at the wrong moment
Should have been savoring the experience
Notorious, vainglorious, spurious
Attempted to place himself above the current
Rode high and dry and serious
Delirious, precarious, imperious

Motion, slow and consistent
The crowd moving without intent or destination
just inclination

Still, wondering how the colors got so bright
Realized no one was drinking water
And no one was tapping their feet
And the band had already bid the crowd goodnight
The lights were up and the curtain down
And the crew was sweeping up the debris
People milling about discussing after show plans
Late night food across the street
Or beat the traffic home and hit the hay
Alarm comes early for those that have to work

Motivated by boredom, dying to be interesting
In someone's eyes, from someone's point of view

Food was decided, CoCo's or Norm's
Really didn't matter did it
Except Norm's would have girls from the dorms
Those attending UCLA, majoring in English Lit 
Or USC to study the sex lives of earthworms

And he asked himself for the eighteenth time
Why do I ever come to these shows?
And he asked himself for the eighteenth time
Why do I ever come to these shows?

Didn't have to dig too deep to know why
If he could be bothered or prodded to be honest
It was the chance of crossing paths or catching the eye
Of a young (or old) lonely deuterogamist 
Sliding into the booth with a smile and a sigh
Sitting like a disgraced, fallen Mahayanist

Motion, slow and insistent
Just the two of them moving without intent or destination

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