He stood looking out the south-facing window of his corner office on the 10th floor and literally basked in his accomplishment.
Relished it, with an extremely tangible sense of satisfaction.
If anyone was looking at him from any of the other tall buildings that surrounded the one he was in, they might think he was pondering a momentous business decision or pondering the future of the company he was now the CEO of.
But he wasn't.
He was recollecting his youth and all the people he had been surrounded by that had told him he would never amount to anything. His Father and his step-mother, several of his so-called friends, the local police, a Judge or two, and several of the women he had dated.
For almost a half hour now his mind had not been geared toward gratitude. He hadn't considered even for a moment the many people he had been surrounded by in his youth who had encouraged him and had told him he could accomplish anything he set his mind to - his brother and sister (even his step-brother), several of his teachers, a court-appointed therapist, several of his friends (so-called and otherwise), and especially the girl that eventually became his wife.
Which was unusual for him, as he had never been one to not acknowledge those people who had been there for him when it really counted, when he really needed them - and even when he really didn't.
However, for reasons he could not begin to understand, this morning, a mere 25 minutes since being awarded the promotion he had been working toward for nigh-on 17 years, his mind was filled with thoughts and images of those who had never encouraged him, had never had any faith in him.
He shook his head slowing as he stared out at the clear blue sky and spoke aloud a thought that occurred to him.
"Is this what every person who ever stood in this spot on their first morning in this office had running through their head or is it just me?"
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